The World of Nanotechnology

Makayla Atkins
3 min readSep 24, 2019


The idea of nanotechnology can seem too big to fully understand for someone who has never seen nanotechnology before or even heard of the word nanotechnology. However, it is quite simple.

Nanotechnology is the application of objects that are on the nanoscale, which is 100 millionth of a meter.

So, extremely small!

Just a few examples of how small a nanometer is:

  1. If you take a single strand of your hair and look it over, you are then looking at something that is about 80,000–100,000 nanometers in width.
  2. A single sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometer in width.
  3. A single sequence of your DNA is about 2.5 nanometers.

The Applications of Nanotechnology:

Despite the tiny size of objects on a nanoscale, known as nanoparticles, there are many applications. Nanotechnology has its “hands” in many industries that a big in today’s modern society. These industries are electronics, healthcare, energy, environment, as well as sports.

  • Electronics:

The mainstream usages of nanotechnology in the world of electronics are through the tasks of creating electronics to be lightweight and flexible, reducing the power consumption of handheld devices, and producing batteries that will last longer than the ones that are currently in smartphones.

  • Healthcare:

Within the world of healthcare, nanoparticles are being used to produce better imaging and diagnosis, to develop novel gene sequencing, and to deliver drug treatments through DNA origami.

These are just a few of the many uses of nanotechnology and nanoparticles throughout healthcare; however, these are the ones that are highly focused on.

A 3-dimensional box formed from DNA
  • Energy:

Nanotechnology has begun to play a big role in the energy industry through solar cells and fuels. There has been a development of nanotech solar cells that provides a cheaper method of production than conventional solar cells.

Nanoparticles are used in fuel to approach the increasing shortage of fossil fuels and how to make fuel from low costing membranes that work more efficiently than raw materials.

  • Environment:

The industry of environmental improvement and safety uses nanotechnology in improving catalysts that are produced to transform the vapors from cars into harmless gases.

As well as, developing methods of filtering water to improve the quality of the water and remove any harmful chemicals and minerals that could be found in water.

  • Sports:

A popular sport the has been touch by nanotechnology is tennis. Nano-material is used in a tennis racket to increase the strength of the racket, along with reducing the amount of the air that is released from a tennis ball as it collides with the racket.

Article overview:

Nanotechnology …

  1. It is super small!
  2. Has its hands in many industries.
  3. It has many different resources.
  4. Will continue to have an impact on our world for many decades to come!

Thank you for reading!

