Introducing the 5 Calls 2018 Midterm Challenge!

5 Calls 🇺🇸
It’s Your Call
2 min readSep 17, 2018

Are you interested in stepping up your activism between now and the 2018 midterm elections? Do you want to do something but feel unsure about what to do or how to do it? Are you interested in pushing yourself to do more, more effectively?

Good news… the 5 Calls Midterm Challenge is here! We recognize all the ways in which you’ve already stepped up since Trump took office, and now we are here to help you do even more between now and November. We’re all feeling the momentum, but the Blue Wave is not just going to happen by itself. Each one of us has to keep pushing to make it a reality. Remember: This isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.

How It Works

Each week, we will send you a new challenge, along with the guidance and resources you need to complete it. Most challenges has been carefully chosen to maximize your impact on the 2018 midterm election — both in your local races as well as key swing races nationally. Most challenges are also designed to be doable in less than an hour, from the comfort of your own home. Just like we made calling Congress easy, we’re doing the same for this.

Our priority is to help you get out the vote by talking with other voters. Why are we focused on that? Studies have shown that peer to peer (and particularly friend to friend) discussions are the number one most effective tactic to get people to vote. See more here and here.

To be clear, this does NOT mean having awkward confrontations with your Trump-loving relatives. Feel free to keep on with that, if that’s what floats your boat… but it is not the focus for our challenge. Nor does it mean just posting an article on Facebook about how important voting is. You can do that too, but just make sure that’s not ALL you do.

We’re asking you to connect with friends and family you already think will be democratic voters, talk to them about voting, and help them confirm that they are registered and have a voting plan (when, where, what ID is required, etc.). It also means phone banking and canvassing. Again, don’t worry, we will gradually build up to that together.

Are you ready to commit a few impactful hours between now and November 6 to expand your activism skills and help push that Blue Wave up and down the ballot? Sign up here!

Weekly Challenges:

Week 1 (Sept 17): Commit to Vote

Week 2 (Sept 24): Register to Vote

Week 3 (Oct 1): Adopt a Key Race

Week 4 (Oct 8): Know Your Ballet

Week 5 (Oct 15): Plan A Voting Party

Week 6 (Oct 22): Knock On Doors



5 Calls 🇺🇸
It’s Your Call

Issues, scripts and your representatives all in one place. Spend 5 minutes, make 5 calls. #MakeYourVoiceHeard