Make space for the sea of chaos.

Make Space (for a simpler life)
2 min readSep 19, 2022


Photo credit: Illustration Desaparecer GIF By Mientoame [Source:]

When in chaos, we must first return to ourselves.

“We are biologically connected to every other living thing in the world. We are chemically connected to all molecules on Earth. And we are atomically connected to all atoms in the universe. We are not figuratively, but literally stardust.”
- Unknown

We are the atoms, we are the universe.

Do not mistake this as a time to blame ourselves, anyone, or any circumstances swirling around the chaos.

This is simply a reminder to re-collect and re-align energetically.

Nothing went wrong, and you did nothing wrong.

Sometimes, the mind of duality might draw one to reject the experience.

Wanting the experience to go away, it draws one to dive into a rabbit hole, cracking its mind to decipher: “Why is this happening?”.

As we take a step back, remembering our eternal true self, rise the sense of inclusivity of all choices coming from all lives.

This is a time to simply acknowledge what is unfolding in the wave of impermanence.

We might not be able to comprehend or wrap our head around what the hxxx is going on.

But like meeting a cross junction, we have a choice for how we want to react, and to our liberation, there are no wrong choices.

Allow your body to take a deep breath. Through the exhale, release all that is fluctuating in your body. Release the fear and doubts that have arisen, and allow them to dissolve gently into the light.

Allow your body to take a deep breath. Initiate the inhales to receive love. Through the inhale, receive space, receive freedom, receive light.

Affirm to yourself:
“I allow the release of all that is no longer serving me. I allow the rebirth of myself and my reality. I choose to live in health, abundance, and peace. I celebrate my freedom at the cellular level. I celebrate the freedom of all life forces around me. All is well!”

Breathe, and gently expand. Allow all old emotions and versions of ourselves to dissolve away at their own pace.

With an open arm, we make space for incoming peace and liberation.

