Interview Tips You Don’t Always Hear

Make Ads with Me
2 min readJul 26, 2019

1.) No one wants you to fail

Most of us go into interviews thinking everyone in the room is looking for something wrong—but it’s usually the opposite. I mean, who wants to listen to a bad interview? If you’re good, than they have to waste less of their time meeting with others—so next time you walk into an interview, remember that the people on the other side of the table are your cheerleaders.

2.) Nerves make you human—and people like humans

No matter how prepared you are, nerves are bound to happen. But you know what? That’s not a bad thing Showing you’re nervous only shows you care. That you’re relatable. And that you’re human. So don’t sweat if you don’t come off overly cool and collected. As long as you know your shit/ are qualified—a bit of nerves won’t make or break an interview.

3.) You’re interviewing them too

This is the hardest one to remember. Even though you might think you really want the job you’re interviewing for, remember that you’re interviewing them too. And sometimes, the person on the other side of the table is even a little nervous too because they want to be a good representative of your company. Even if you’re pretty sure the person you’re interviewing with isn’t nervous at all, imagining that they are, can help calm your nerves a little.



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