Remember That You Are In ProcessAnaïs Nin wrote that “Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to…Dec 14, 20185Dec 14, 20185
14 Lessons I’ve Learned Since I Started Making ArtI never thought that I’d ever be writing about art, especially my own art. When I was a kid, I had no desire to read books, or look at…Sep 7, 20181Sep 7, 20181
Are You Being Kind To Yourself?You can’t give what you don’t have. It’s a simple fact of life. Sometimes we even make promises to give something but don’t even realize…Apr 30, 2018Apr 30, 2018
We Need To Be Creative To GrowLife can get stagnant sometimes, but I’ve realized that when that happens it’s not about trying to find the next big thing to entertain me…Jan 11, 20182Jan 11, 20182
We Are Here To LoveA few months ago I had the privilege of being in London for the rerelease of my blackout poetry book, Hidden Messages of Hope…Nov 16, 2017Nov 16, 2017
Evolve to the Next Level of LoveIt’s easy to throw around the word love like it’s going to solve all of our problems.Oct 17, 2017Oct 17, 2017
Make Blackout Poetry: A Community of HopeCould an art form create a community that would impact people’s lives positively on a daily basis?May 4, 20151May 4, 20151