5 Tricks to get more 5 star reviews for your APP— Growth hacks with Marc #3

Marc Molins
4 min readJul 23, 2019


Hey ni hao! Welcome to this new chapter of Growth Hacks with Marc.

In this new chapter of growth hacks with Marc I am going to talk the secret of good ASO: getting more reviews and ratings.

Why are they important?

  • To appear at the top of the google play / apple store rankings for your targeted keywords.
  • To give a sense of trust to the users, so that they are more inclined to download the app or even purchase things within your app
  • To appear in recommended apps in google play / apple store.

How to get more 5 star reviews?

1. Ask the users after they have reached a certain level of engagement in your app.

You can test it and see when the ratio of number of ratings — average review is the best.

Related article: How did Uber move from 1.7 to 4.7 stars — search for “the star rating on Uber’s rider app was low” within the article.

2. Ask your customers in direct conversations in instagram / whatsapp / email

Specially if you are beginning, each review will be superimportant.

So if you get engagement from your community, you can ask them once they comment you on a post.

That’s the technique that I used for my growth experiment exciting romantic, which made me arrive to 100 reviews and 1000 downloads per month in totally organic traffic.

The first 50 reviews arrived in that way, and the extra 50 to arrive to 100 came organically.

Had I not done this strategy, it would be impossible to have arrived to those figures.

3. We will give out X in our instagram once we reach 100 / 1000 / 10000 reviews

Lots of companies just ask for reviews without giving anything in exchange.

That makes users not engage with those campaigns as they see nothing in exchange.

However, if you give away something once you arrive to a certain number, users will want to put that review for:

  • Feeling part of that 100 reviews celebration
  • Having the possibility to participate in that give away

4. Celebrate special numbers

  • Make celebrations in your instagram account as an instagram story or a Q&A with the founders.
  • Send a push notification like “Yeaaah! We arrived to 100 reviews. Thanks to the supercommunity :) Wanna help for arriving to 1000? Leave it in google play”

5. Recommend your users to share their referral code within the reviews

One of the things i loved the most about the money saving app Goin, is their ability to create 5 stars reviews.


They saw lots of people were putting their referral code in apps like uber, so they recommended users to do it.

That’s why it is very important to observe which things your users are doing, and encourage them to take these actions.

Do you have any other idea on how to make users leave you 5 star reviews? Feel free to leave it in the comments.

Hope you liked it and see you in the next chapter of Growth Hacks with Marc!

Who am I?

你好! I am Marc Molins and I am a Product Manager at Maker Studio — the innovation laboratory — at Skyscanner and former PM at Rocket Internet.

I am passionate about understanding people’s needs and thinking about creative ways to 100x products.

In my free time I like to learn languages, play beach volleyball and work on new projects with friends.



Marc Molins

A passionate engineer interested in making technology a positive change for humankind.