1 Across: My Love Affair with the NY Times Daily Crossword

Curtains drawn, it is dark in the room aside from your singular glow.

Your face is an ethereal guide across the carpet towards a comforting haven.

Laying my head down on the worn pillow, you rest on the corner.

My eyes burn, your face makes me cry.

Pondering this cliche, I run my fingers gently over your body. 26 buttons -

Each smooth surface and crevasse holds a million possibilities. What comfort in such excess!

Black and white bars rush my brain, you are so simple and so complicated.

I finally breathe, fogging up your face, devoid of color. I crack my knuckles.

I can almost hear you laugh at my determination. I grin, you understand me.

I begin to explore you. At first it is always so simple. Tenderly, I fill in the blanks.


Common clues. These facades of yours are so obvious,

But I yearn to know your deeper secrets, those minute details that illuminate entirely new facets

Of your complex, beautiful being. I long to be as vexingly simple.

A? CH? T?



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