Femintimacy: Dealing with the Dry Spell Blues

So I’m currently in the midst of a bit of a dry spell. I’ve gotta be honest, I’m more than ready for it to be over.

Dry spell (noun): an extended period of time without sex. Characterized by: increased stress levels, perpetual horniness, and mild feelings of loneliness. Causes : a period of bad luck, a realignment in priorities, post-relationship blues, a fear of intimacy, a history of trauma, and/or the establishment of mental and emotional walls.

A “dry spell” could last for a few weeks, months, or even years, depending on your personal sexual history. Dry spells can also occur both inside and outside of relationships. A survey of 2,000 men and women that about three in 10 had been experiencing a dry spell for almost a year.

When you’re in the midst of a dry spell, it can feel like everyone around you has active sex lives. It’s always important to be there for your friends and to listen when they tell you about the new person they’re seeing, but if you haven’t dated anyone in a while, those conversations can be tinged with an uncomfortable bit of jealousy. Of course you want them to be happy, but it’s difficult not to think, well, what’s wrong with me then? Why can’t I have that?

Part of the reason is I definitely wasn’t trying hard enough. Last semester, I prioritized school and my work…



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