3 min readApr 21, 2020

Welcome to the First Post in our design thinking Process Series. We’ll see about Design Thinking Process in short. Design Thinking Process can be learnt by anyone from Kids to Adults. This will create interest in learning about new technologies and thinking new in technology. It helps people to solve Problems in their community with the use different technologies. Let’s explore the world of “DESIGN THINKING” and its phases.

1. What is Design Thinking Process?

2. Why should we use Design Thinking Process?

3. Phases of Design Thinking Process

What is Design Thinking Process?

In Design Thinking Process, a Problem which can be solved Practically and Creatively. This Process is used by Giant Industries to fulfil their customer’s need. This Process was introduced by Prof.ROLL FASTE at Stanford University in California. This method was adapted by Mr. DAVID M. KELLY. First, he implemented this process for his IDEO company.

Why should we use Design Thinking Process?

Design Thinking Process will help us to identify a Real Problem and enable us to solve efficiently. It is easy to identify the problem and building a solution by following this process.

Learning this process would enable us to think in such a way that “When we see some obstacles in our way, we don’t complaint it rather we will start to think to solve it!”.

Phases of Design Thinking Process:-

There are five phases in Design Thinking Process. They are,

1. Empathise

2. Define

3. Ideate

4. Prototype

5. Test


Empathise is to understand the customer needs and to identify the target customer. In this first phase, we have to understand the core problem of the customer/user by interacting with them to gather their problems. This way would help us to identify the real problem.


Defining the identified problem in User-Centric way. This process is an important phase among all other phases.


We have to think different ways to solve the identified Problem. We should choose any one solution which is apt for the user.


We will have to build the prototype of the solution rather building the entire solution. This will help us to get the feedback from the customer before proceeding further.


The solutions which we designed can be given to different users to get the Feedback. Based on the feedback from the users we can iterate it .If the feedback from the users are positive we can proceed on. If it is negative, we have to iterate from phase which needs to be modified.

We will see the detailed information of each phases in our upcoming post.

We have made tutorial series as well on MakerWomen YouTube Channel.

Here is a video of What is Design Thinking Process.


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Happy Learning! #LetsInspireTogether

Thanks for reading and good bye until our next posts comes!


-R.Belsia (MakerWomen Team)




MakerWomen is a dedicated platform for women of all age group together to solve a real-world problem with technology. This platform helps women for their career