Why do IE visitors convert 13% better than Chrome visitors?

I have no idea. Do you?

We have a super high conversion rate at Lost My Name that we’re very proud of. Here’s our last 30 days conversion rate data.

All vistors at http://lostmy.name conversion rate Oct 2nd — Oct 31st

One anomaly jumped out at us recently — IE visitors convert much better at an astonishing 11.6%

Internt Explorer vistors conversion rate at http://lostmy.name Oct 2nd — Oct 31st 2014

The question is, why?

Our overall conversion rate is dragged down by our poor mobile conversion rates, but IE is still around 1.5 percentage points higher than Chrome.

Chrome vistors (excluding Android) conversion rate at http://lostmy.name Oct 2nd — 31st 2014

There are two hypothesis:

  • The site works better in Internet Explorer (it doesn’t really)
  • Internet Explorer visitors are different in some way (so this must be the case some how)

So what makes Internet Explorer users more likely to buy our lovely book? We’d love your random guesses / educated opinions via twitter @lostmynametech



Tales from Wonderbly Backstage
Tales from Wonderbly Backstage

Writing about the work behind the scenes done by the writers, designers, engineers and everyone else @wonderblyHQ