The Facts About Joe Biden

2 min readJul 5, 2024
Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

Renowned professor Allan Lichtman is currently disputing the claims made about Joe Biden’s cognitive health, stating that it is deteriorating rapidly before our very eyes.

He is growing increasingly frustrated with Democrats who believe that Biden should step down from the 2024 presidential race.

While discussing the “13 keys to the White House” formula with Chris Cuomo, Lichtman acknowledged its accuracy in predicting past presidential election results, but noted that Biden’s prospects are looking bleak.

This was evident from his recent struggles in fulfilling his duties during his trips abroad. When Cuomo raised this point, Lichtman became defensive and argumentative.

It is worth noting that Cuomo has personal connections with Biden, as his father and brother are both prominent Democrats who have likely interacted with Biden at social events.

To put it differently, Professor Lichtman is refuting the truth about Mr. Biden. He refuses to acknowledge the possibility that his perceptions of Mr. Biden may be incorrect, which they are.

It is evident that Professor Lichtman strongly supports Biden and will dismiss any negative remarks made about him. My response to Professor Lichtman’s behavior is that unless he can be truthful with himself about the reality of Mr. Biden’s chances of losing the 2024 presidential election, his 13-key formula will not yield accurate results as it relies on facts rather than mere assumptions.




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