Wireframing Challenge | Emov

Max Karacun
2 min readMar 5, 2019


In this challenge, I had to ‘work backwards’ and build wireframes from the given UI screens. Wireframing is an essential skill for any UX designer, it allows to quickly prototype and validate assumptions at the early stage of product development.

Even though the process of wireframing itself is quite simple, the challenge lies in deciding how much information to put and knowing where to hold back on details. The ‘good’ wireframe should be able to communicate ideas successfully yet avoid visual distractions such as colours, images, copy etc. This is done to avert influencing or sidetracking the conversation from important design decisions at this stage in the design process.

Below are the screenshots of the Emov UI screens, followed by the wireframes that I have developed based on these designs.

Original Emov UI Screens
Wireframes created based on UIs

I feel that at the end I’ve managed to achieve that balance between keeping it simple but at the same time detailed enough for it to be able to communicate the core functionality of each screen. Even though wireframing is something that can be simply overlooked, I do believe in its importance and would like to further master this skill.

