The World in 2050 | Future Technology

3 min readSep 30, 2020


Future Technology

We are in the year 2020, and if we’re being honest with ourselves, technology is incredibly advanced, and we’re making strides that can push things even farther.

We have cars that are much safer than they’ve been in the past decade, and we’re even making fully electric cars that can help save the planet. There are even plans for self-driving cars and even self-driving Ubers that make the future of transportation very exciting. And that’s just ONE technology that we’re growing at a fast rate. What about all the others that are out there? What will technology be like as we get closer and closer to 2050?

Let’s start with the one that well and truly could happen very soon,

Drones are already here! and yes, they are. But more times than not the drones you are seeing are small, piloted by people who are just trying to have some fun, or, are the ones that are used by the military right now for strikes and surveillance. All very fun, but in the future, drones could be an integral part of our daily lives. You’ve likely seen shows and people talk about how in a few years’ drones could be the new delivery services. Anything from pizza to Amazon packages, and more. And honestly.

That’s very probable. Drones right now can be incredibly sophisticated, and some TV shows actually use them for sweeping and aerial shots as the film, it’s very cool. But to do deliveries, that’d have to be a little more programmed, as human error no doubt would be a very big buzzkill. Not that it’s impossible right now, it’s more of a question of numbers, logistics, costs, and making sure that the deliveries themselves are done in a methodical and careful manner.

After all, it’s bad enough when delivery people don’t care enough about our packages that they just throw them onto the porch and potentially break stuff, the last thing we need is that to happen with drones. But by 2050? We might not only have drones delivering our packages, but we might also be looking up at the sky and seeing drones flying all over with incredible speeds and accuracy, and they potentially could all be run by AI!

The potential is there, and by that point, various upgrades to drones and their programming will no doubt make them all the more efficient, durable, and quick. And potentially, they could go beyond basic deliveries for people and do emergency work. Imagine a drone taking a vital piece of medical material to a hospital to ensure it doesn’t get stuck in traffic? Or helping watch over an important convoy to let people know on the ground if there is the trouble? There are many ways that drones could affect our world, the only question is, will we let them by 2050?

Let’s keep going with Transportation, shall we? Right now, one of the biggest ways to get around the countries we live in is the trains. Trains ferry people and all sorts of cargo around in an efficient and reliable manner, which is why they’ve been in use for hundreds of years. But…if we’re being honest here, while trains are efficient and reliable in certain ways…they aren’t exactly fast. Especially when it comes to passenger and freight trains. They can take a LONG time to get to their destinations and at times it’s more logical to take other modes of transportation. Continue Reading….

