Resident Evil 4 Saved Me

3 min readSep 30, 2023

I grew up in a very violent home, and rarely ever felt safe as a child. From dealing with mind-melding mental disorders to downright abusive living conditions, there was nowhere to run. My only method of escape was through media, whether it was music, movies, books or in this case, video games.

We didn’t have any of the latest consoles or any of the super high-tech graphic PCs, but I did manage to get myself a Playstation 2 from a friend after he had upgraded to the PS3.

I’m only barely exaggerating when I say I spent YEARS on that console, getting lost in every fantasy world I could possibly escape into. I played tons of games I had borrowed or was given, but among these was a little game called Resident Evil 4.

Now I know some of you gamers out there could probably relate when I say this game was AMAZING. Even though it’s release date was almost 2 decades ago, it seriously has held up incredibly well and was super ahead of it’s time.

Due to the sheer amount of love I had for the game, I ended up playing through it entirely about 20 times in a month, searching through every room and just being amazed by all the details. I’m very respecting of passionate artists, and I could tell how much love and care was poured into the game.




Stepping out into the world is terrifying and refreshing.