Is Wix’s Approach to E-commerce More Flexible Than Squarespace’s?

2 min readJul 10, 2024


When it comes to e-commerce, Wix offers considerably more flexibility than Squarespace. You’ll find greater customization options to craft a unique online store, with the ability to integrate third-party apps and exert more creative control. In contrast, Squarespace takes a more templated approach, prioritizing clean, professional aesthetics over extensive customization. However, Wix’s expanded e-commerce management tools may be more suitable for technically-inclined users with specific business needs. To further explore the differences between these two platforms and determine the best fit for your online store, continue reading.

#1 Website Builder: Wix 🏆


E-commerce Capabilities Compared

When it comes to e-commerce capabilities, Wix and Squarespace offer a range of features that allow you to build and manage your online store.

Both platforms provide essential tools for creating product catalogs, managing inventory, processing secure transactions, and generating detailed sales reports.

However, Wix’s approach offers more flexibility in customizing your e-commerce experience.

Customization and Flexibility

Wix’s e-commerce platform grants you greater flexibility in customizing your online store, allowing you to tailor the look, feel, and functionality to your specific business needs.

This includes the ability to:

  • Drag-and-drop design elements for a unique aesthetic
  • Integrate third-party apps to extend your store’s capabilities
  • Easily update and manage your product catalog

In contrast, Squarespace’s e-commerce offerings have a more rigid, templated approach, limiting your customization options.

Design and Aesthetics

While Wix grants you greater creative control, Squarespace’s design templates come pre-optimized for an appealing, professional aesthetic out of the box.

Though Wix offers more customization, Squarespace’s streamlined designs often require less effort to achieve a polished look.

Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your design expertise and preferences.

#1 Website Builder: Wix 🏆

Ease of Use and Management

For users with less technical expertise, Squarespace’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface and unified management dashboard may prove simpler to navigate than Wix’s more complex site editor.

Wix, however, offers:

  • Greater customization options for store management
  • More granular control over product display and checkout
  • Sophisticated inventory and order management tools

Ultimately, the ease of use depends on the user’s comfort level and specific business needs.

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