Nair migration to Kerala

Malayala Charitram
3 min readDec 2, 2023


For many laymen around the world, the origin of the Nayars or the Nair caste is a matter of mystery and intrigue.

But qualified historians thought the ages have repeated a consistent viewpoint which corroborates with both history and folklore of the community. And that is Nair origins from Nagas.

But the question still remains, how did these Northern Nagas reach South India and eventually Kerala.

So keeping aside mentions in Hindu religious texts, let’s examine the events historically.

The first Nair migration seems to be the migration from Northern Ceylon/Nagadeepa to Southern Kerala. Nagadweepa/Nagadeepa was an island mentioned in Tamil and Sinhalese literature, allegedly colonized and peopled by Naga migrants long ago. The Old Tamil speaking inhabitants of the land called them as Nākar (as g shifted to k in written Tamil then).

A stone relief of a Nair warrior

They are mentioned in the ancient text Manimekalai and also mentioned in some late Sangam age Vattezhuttu inscriptions, which was deciphered by respected Kerala monk Chattambi Swamikal.
The second one is a slow multiple step migration traced back to a region falling South of Aravallis to North Kerala. Roman scholar Pliny the Elder and ancient Greek historian Arrian had observed the presence of Nairs in the area lying South to Aravalli range.

Image Credit: Manorama

Fast forward few centuries, and we find mention of Nairs in the Grama Padathi written by Tulu Brahmins. It was written that under the rule of Kadamba king Mayurasharma, Brahmins were brought from Ahikshetra to do rituals and these Brahmins brought Naga warriors along with them to protect them throughout the journey. These people merged with other Naga people in Southern Karnataka and settled there. Over time the place began to be known as Nagarkhanda or Nayarkhanda.

And during the era of Rashtrakutas, the Nairs / Nayars from Nayarkhanda were also recruited in their armies. And later during Rashtrakuta invasion of Chera kingdom in Kerala, over 1 lakh Nairs entered Kerala under the commander Banaperumal who took orders from the then Rashtrakuta King Krishna III. The Cheras had to pay tribute after losing and the Nair soldiers were settled in North Kerala.

Apart from these migrations there were microscopic clans of Nairs who were of different migrant origin throughout later history and had assimilated as part of Nair caste in Kerala.

Now rise of the Nair dominance in Kerala is another topic in itself. And that will be discussed in another article. Until then stay tuned.



(1) Some Aspects of Nayar Life by K.M.Panikker

(2)Keralolpathi(compilation) by Hermann Gundert

(3)Natural History by Pliny the Elder

(4)By Sweat and Sword: Trade, Diplomacy and War in Kerala Through the Ages by K. K. Nair

(5)Origin of Shaivism and its History in Tamil Land by K.R.Subramaniam

(6)Gramapaddhathi by Vidyadagar University

