Two self-care tips during difficult times

Malay Das
3 min readJan 15, 2023


During difficult times, we are stressed. We lose sleep. We do not pay attention to our food or general wellbeing. We get less time to communicate with our friends and family. And sometimes our innate flight or flight response is triggered. The stress even percolates into our dreams giving us nightmares.

This results in suppressed immunity on a physical level. We are more prone to get sick. However, the bigger issue is mental well-being. With high level of stress, reduced sleep and almost no mental downtime, we tend to stay irritated and in a long run can result in depression.

Many external factors can result in this situation — a high workload in job, an issue in family relationship, an accident, a legal matter or a simple upcoming exam. However, like everything else, every situation is transient. The loss and the scars may be permanent, but we as human being adjust with the new normal and move on.

It is imperative that we handle the difficult times properly to reduce the scars and damage. In the end there are people who are happy with lots of pain and there are people who are unhappy even after having everything. SO, rest assured, there is light at the end of the tunnel. And we need to be prepared to enjoy that light with happiness.

There are two things that helps with this

  1. Exercise
  2. Meditation


Exercise not only helps with staying physically fit by improving blood circulation, countering the effect of bad posture, manage weight and strengthen bones and muscles but also helps improve our moods.

A small session of exercise helps produce endorphin which are sbrain’s feel-good neurotransmitters. This reduces risk of depression of anxiety and helps with better thinking or cognition.

Further, exercise also provides a downtime for brain to collect our thoughts and take a comprehensive look at the situation. And this can be done with just 15 minutes on treadmill or jumping in place or practicing a dance move.

CDC page provides more inforation and tips on exercise.


Meditation has different meaning for different people. For some it is deep breathing, for some others it is chanting a mantra and for others it is watching your thoughts flow through your head as an observer.

No matter what your definition of meditation, it does help with taking your mind away from the stress trigger and proving brain with some cool off time. We take a more holistic look at the situation and decide what is within or out of our control, think accordingly and develop patience. This helps us relax by giving us a sense of balance.

Be Happy be Content

Although not a single solution can resolve all issues and sometimes professional help might be necessary. And sometimes a simple cup of coffee or hot cacao also helps.



Malay Das

I am a software engineer for around 20 years and have worked on embedded systems for about 5 years. I write blogs in spare time about anything I feel like. :)