PRP Hair Growth Mumbai

Malay Mehta Aesthetic Clinic
8 min readDec 6, 2021


prp hair growth mumbai

PRP Hair Growth Treatment in Mumbai, India

Baldness, both male and female pattern, are commonly caused by androgenetic alopecia, a condition often characterised by androgen-related thinning of the scalp in a defined pattern.

Platelet-rich plasma or PRP hair treatment in Mumbai has been used as an alternative to traditional treatment for hair loss for quite some time.

Dr Malay Mehta has years of experience providing the PRP hair growth Mumbai residents have been seeking. This safe, non-surgical hair loss treatment has become a promising treatment modality for androgenetic alopecia. This article will go through the benefits and implications of PRP treatment for hair loss, as well as identify the criterion for the ideal candidate.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

In order to truly understand what PRP is, you first need to know the role of platelets in healing the body.

Platelets are a blood component, similarly to red and white blood cells. When somebody sustains an injury or cut, the platelets are typically the “first-responders” at the scene.

Research has shown that the activation of platelets releases a number of growth factors such as:

  • Transforming growth factor (TGF)
  • Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
  • Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
  • Insulin-like growth factor

The production of these growth factors is believed to promote healing. And so, it has been discovered that PRP has the potential to treat a variety of degenerative conditions such as tendon injuries, osteoarthritis, and hair loss.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) hair treatment in Mumbai is the injection of activated platelets into a patient’s scalp in order to stimulate hair growth. It is proposed that the growth factors released by activated platelets act on the stem cells around hair follicles, stimulating the growth of new hair follicles and promoting hair growth.

prp hair growth treatment mumbai
PRP can be injected onto any area of the scalp that requires treatment.

Who is the Ideal Candidate for PRP Hair Growth Treatment?

Ideal candidates for PRP hair treatment in Mumbai tend to be those who are younger and at the earlier stages of hair loss, having some partially active hair follicles. Those with more advanced hair loss can still benefit from PRP treatment in Mumbai, although the results may take longer and require more treatments.

PRP therapy for hair loss is best used on people with weaker follicles concentrated on smaller patches of alopecia. Other factors that contribute to being a good candidate for PRP therapy for hair loss are:

  • Having generally good overall health
  • Having realistic expectations following platelet-rich plasma treatment
  • Having smaller patches of alopecia areata
  • Not taking any blood-thinning medications
  • Non-smokers

Benefits of PRP Treatment

PRP treatment for hair loss is a unique and innovative treatment that uses the patient’s own blood to trigger a healing response and promote hair growth. Platelet-rich plasma therapy has seen numerous advantages across various aspects of medicine. The advantages of platelet-rich plasma therapy for hair loss treatment are:

  • Uses your own blood — One of the many limitations for blood treatments (stem cells etc), is rejection. PRP hair treatment uses your own blood, reducing the risk of rejection and negative reactions to treatment.
  • Stimulates natural healing response — PRP hair treatment works by stimulating a natural response, leaving you with natural-looking results. Effectively, PRP treatment in Mumbai will leave you looking like a younger, more rejuvenated version of yourself.
  • Very little downtime — PRP treatment for hair loss produces very little bruising, scarring, or and tenderness at the site of treatment. There is virtually zero downtime required following PRP hair treatment, ensuring you can get back to living your life as soon as you have had treatment.
prp hair growth procedure mumbai
A local anaesthetic is applied before administering your injection to minimise discomfort.

How Does PRP Hair Growth Procedure Work

PRP therapy involves concentration and the administration of a solution containing activated platelets found in your blood. This solution releases growth factors and cytokines to promote cell survival and growth.

Here’s what to expect from a typical process for PRP treatment for hair growth in Mumbai:

Step one: Dr Malay Mehta will draw a sample of your blood.

Step two: Once around 20ml of blood is drawn, it is placed in a centrifuge — a machine that spins quickly to separate the components of the blood.

Step three: One of the technicians at the clinic will take the separated plasma and prepare it for administration.

Step four: With the aid of medical imaging, such as an ultrasound, Dr Mehta will pinpoint the area for injection, usually a hair follicle, and inject the PRP.

PRP Hair Growth Results

PRP is still a relatively new treatment on the hair loss market. There have been a variety of studies performed on the benefits of PRP treatment for hair loss, all of which show significant positive results. For example:

  1. Study one was able to demonstrate a significant improvement in hair density and quality, proving those treated with PRP resulted in thicker, natural hair, whereas those treated with placebo had no improvement.
  2. Study two involved 10 men who were treated with autologous PRP injections at 2–3 week intervals over 3 months. Results concluded that PRP is a cost-effective, beneficial, and promising therapy for hair loss, resulting in improved hair thickness, volume, and follicle count.
  3. Lastly, study three treated 11 patients with androgenic alopecia. These 11 patients did not respond to 6 months of treatment with minoxidil or finasteride (traditional hair loss treatments). After injecting 20–30ml of PRP every 2 weeks for 3 months, results showed a significant reduction in hair loss, an increased number of hair follicles, and overall better hair.

PRP for hair loss has proven to be of significant benefit to those suffering from hair loss. Evidence provided through both the medical literature and Dr Mehta’s patients demonstrates just how successful PRP for hair loss can be, and why you should book a consultation at your soonest convenience to discuss your suitability.

PRP vs Other Hair Regrowth Procedures

There are a variety of hair loss treatments available. However, your suitability for one treatment may not necessarily mean you are eligible for another. So what is the biggest difference between PRP treatment to alternatives for hair loss?

  • PRP vs mesotherapy — More research has been performed on PRP, showing that it is safer and more cost-effective. Although mesotherapy has been available since the 1970s, limited research has been performed to confirm its potency. PRP requires less downtime, fewer side effects, and produces more natural results.
  • PRP vs hair transplant — Hair transplants are invasive, expensive, and require significant downtime. Hair transplantation has the risk of rejection and has an increased risk of going wrong. Although, the benefits of these treatments are distinct. For example, hair transplants are the only solution for bald spots, whereas PRP helps reduce thinning and promote natural hair growth.
  • Medication vs PRP — Studies show mixed results, some of which showing better hair growth following PRP monotherapy, whereas others show minoxidil as the superior treatment. However, most studies conclude that using both minoxidil with PRP gives the best results. Studies show that PRP produces more significant hair growth results than finasteride.

How Much Does PRP Hair Growth Cost in Mumbai, India?

PRP treatment cost in Mumbai varies depending on the level of hair loss you have, the clinic you choose, and the number of treatments that you require. The cost of PRP at the Malay Mehta Aesthetic Clinic will be varied depending on your presentations.

Therefore, we recommend you book a consultation with Dr Mehta at your soonest convenience in order to receive a comprehensive cost analysis for your potential treatment.

prp hair growth cost mumbai
Our hair transplant team will continuously monitor your progress and ensure that your results exceed your expectations.

Why Choose Malay Mehta Aesthetic Clinic

Dr Malay Mehta of the Malay Mehta Aesthetic Clinic is a community-driven cosmetic surgeon, working hard to provide his community with some of the top hair loss cosmetic treatments in Mumbai.

Dr Mehta has travelled and studied across the world to perfect his surgical expertise so that he can provide his community with the care they deserve. His work has led to him being the director of the Malay Mehta Aesthetic Clinic.

His vast medical training and passion for treating his beloved local community make him one of the most desired hair loss cosmetic surgeons in India. Why not benefit from Dr Mehta’s skills today and book a consultation today?


Some of the most commonly asked questions regarding PRP hair loss treatment are answered below.

How can you prepare for your PRP treatment?

Prior to your procedure, you should double-check with Dr Mehta about the medications you take and see which ones need to be withheld. Additionally, you should refrain from shaving your head.

What should you expect after PRP injections?

Once the blood is drawn and the injections are administered, you will experience slight bruising and tenderness at the site of the injection. However, this should subside rapidly without the need for any pain-killing medications.

How many sessions of PRP hair treatment do you need?

The number of treatment sessions required varies between individuals. However, most people require around 3–4 weeks of sessions of PRP.

How long does PRP hair growth last and when can I get back to work?

Unfortunately, PRP is not a permanent solution. Although results are natural and can last for up to 6 months to 1 year, you may need additional annual top-ups. PRP requires no downtime and so you can get back to work as soon as possible.

How can I get the PRP treatment?

Contact us and schedule an appointment at your soonest convenience.

Does PRP really regrow hair?

Yes, PRP uses growth factors produced by activated platelets to stimulate the hair follicles and regrow thicker, denser hair.

How many sessions do PRP hair growth Mumbai residents need?

On average, people need between 3–4 sessions, with additional annual treatments to maintain their hair thickness and volume.

Is plasma therapy for hair regrowth permanent?

Hair loss conditions such as alopecia cannot be cured with PRP, only treated. This means that hair loss may return if you stop treatments.

Is PRP treatment a substitute for hair transplants?

Hair transplants are mainly used to treat bald spots or areas of very limited hair growth such as a receding hairline. PRP treatments are mainly used to encourage hair growth on areas with existing, slightly underactive hair follicles.



Malay Mehta Aesthetic Clinic

Director of Malay Mehta Aesthetic Clinic — known for superior results in hair transplant, performed with artistry & the highest level of technical skill.