Elastos: The Best Investment Opportunity Since 1693

Malcolm Lynett
5 min readDec 1, 2018


Elastos is providing the most valuable investment the world has seen since 1693.

When you invest in the Elastos token (ELA), you’re investing in the promise to give people back the world’s most valuable resource: Data.

Elastos native currency, the ELA Token is the best asset within a new asset class.

This article will examine two assertions supporting the claim that Elastos is a historical investment opportunity.

Assertion #1- Cryptocurrency: A new asset class

There are currently five major asset classes known to investors worldwide.

  1. Equities
  2. Bonds- the latest, first issued in 1693
  3. Commodities
  4. Property
  5. Cash

We are currently experiencing a major historical moment; The addition of a sixth major asset class; Cryptocurrency.

Why should this make you excited? Because we are the innovators/early adopters of the first asset class since bonds, issued in 1693. But why exactly is it desirable to be an early adopter in a new asset class? Well.. let’s look to history.

Cryptocurrency is classified as a new major asset class, as well as an emerging technological innovation. The combination of these factors leads me to believe that we are among the first early adopters of a new financial revolution. History is being made before our eyes, and the few legit cryptocurrencies that currently exist will prove to be some of history’s greatest investments.

We are among the first to invest.

I believe 98% of current cryptocurrency projects are a scam, or copy cats of other projects. Elastos is at the top of projects within the opposing 2%. The ELA token is the most promising coin to purchase within this new major asset class, cryptocurrency. (This is not financial advice, don’t just listen to me, do plenty of research.)

Why would I make such a bold statement?

Assertion #2: Elastos will cause the largest transfer of value the world has ever seen.

To me, it’s simple. We know that as of 2017, data is the world’s most valuable resource. Not oil, but data. Many individuals do not even realize that value lies in their data, and the ways in which their data is being manipulated.

The world’s top 5 data generating companies are currently Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, and Alphabet (google’s parent company). These players are making a killing selling off your data to other companies, corporations, and governments. Your data is being manipulated and sold within an unregulated market. When you use these “free” platforms ex: the cloud, and snapchat, it is at the cost of your data being stolen, and often your safety.

Q:How do companies generate data?

A: From you and I, and everyone else who engages in the use of these platforms. Although data is now the world’s #1 most valuable resource,the rules that control the data industry are careless and negligent.

Need I explain the consequences of a poorly regulated data industry?

Centralized data compromises the safety of humankind. The above articles provide a further explanation as to why.

How is value generated from data? Your activity online ex: Likes, comments, the links you click on, media you purchase, monthly subscriptions, google searches are all tracked & recorded by a centralized server. The owner of the server (ex: Google) holds that data in storage and sells this data to corporations, and governments who are interested in obtaining information about you. Why would a sales corporation pay to obtain your personal information? Because your data reveals a lot about who you are. What is the first rule in sales? Know your customer. What is of interest to government? To know their population.

Elastos is making it possible for people to reclaim ownership of their digital assets. Yes that is correct. Within the Elastos browser you own the rights to your data & all of your digital assets. No centralized data collection. No more corporations profiting by selling your stolen security. What is part of Elastos mission? To give individuals back the most valuable resource on the planet. DATA.

An investment in Elastos Currency (Ela Token) can be seen as a form of recognition that Elastos is far superior to the current internet. Elastos is in my opinion, the internet as it should be, the web 2.0. It’s investing in an opportunity for people to reclaim ownership of their digital assets. This includes personal data, media, and so much more. We will experience, for the first time, individuals owning their online data and digital assets, and reaping the benefits. This is huge. If Elastos is successful in marketing this idea across the world, people will adopt to the platform. Why? because people need online security. If you don’t believe me, ask Maslow himself.

Security is not an option for us as humans. This includes online security. Elastos exists to undermine the flaws of the current internet, and promises to bring security to individuals online.

The Success of elastos is conditional to three assumptions that

  1. Elastos is capable of delivering their product.
  2. The correct product is delivered before someone else delivers it
  3. Elastos does a spectacular job marketing this product.

The vision is happening, the Elastos ecosystem is currently being constructed.

Cryptocurrency: The first major asset class since 1693.

Elastos (Ela): A spectacular cryptocurrency within a new asset class, promising to bring the largest transfer of value the world has ever seen.

Ela is an asset within a new major asset class, which promises to give the public back their most valued resource, data.

What do these assertions and research lead me to believe about Elastos? Something really big is coming our way.

