Reflection of Amal Journey

Maleeha Shahbaz
4 min readJun 17, 2022


“A good friend is a connection to life, a tie to past and a road to the future”.

Having a healthy connection with your fellows is one of the blessing of your academic or learning life. Connections become stronger and weaker with the passage of time but always left some lessons and memories for your life as a lesson . This 3 months journey with Amal fellowship were a time of having healthy and loving connections with all fellows. Though I got interacted with some of fellows and observe a enjoyable and meaningful relationship.

Specifically taking about my last sessions, which will always be closer to my heart taught me that staying connected to each others is more important than just being in a relation for work. It was a meaningful and fulfilling session where we just talk to our hearts.

I feel stepping out of your working boundaries and talking about your feelings, emotions, thoughts and pain makes your connection stronger and relaxed your body. It is not the sign of weakness rather a sign of well being. Living a day without work and spending it by your heart validates your experiences about your journey. It gives you a time for collecting some memorable moments from your hectic routines.

“Always be true about your feelings, because the more you deny what you feel the stronger it becomes”.

This journey started with applying for second time for fellowship and then finally got a selection call to attending first session on 19th March 2022 and I think will never end. It is a memorable time with happy, sad, sleepy, giving up, showing potential, lovely as well as moments full of lessons. The time and relationship I have shared with my fellows in this fellowship is something else. A journey with humble, giving, mature and loving fellows is remarkable. I feel sad that I interacted with few fellows but I must say that those fellows added up too much to my life, my thinking pattern and my experience. They proved that yes we are mature enough to have a healthy interaction with each other with a growth mindset. I love the purity of some fellows, there innocence, there courage to take initiative, their power to share their life changing events and some hidden abilities. My fellows give me so much cherished moments as memories.

“Things end but memories last forever”.

Despite the end of this fellowship , I am happy we are living in the era where someone is just a click away. We can interacted with each others through social media. We have got in touched with each other on different platforms. May be we will not talk to each other daily but I am sure we were always here for each other. I just want to thank Amal for adding up some worthy additions to my contact list.

I just feel It needs a lot of time to make me able to write about this experience. I felt it a bit late but indeed it is a one of the good decisions of my life. I have never ever experience such a healthy learning environment where everyone is ready to help you and guide you.

“You should never regret anything in your life, If it’s good it is wonderful. If it’s bad ,its experience”.

This fellowship has deep impact on me which I will experience in my life. Like I learned to be sincere with your commitments, be punctual, sacrificing your today for your tomorrow, making life easier for others, Be a giving human in nature, always try to give space to others and one of the most important value , forgiveness for your fellows.

I will try to apply all these values in my life but most important is showing sincerity with my commitments and facing challenges with courage despite of asking for sympathy. I will continue to providing a connection to all my connected ones for their help. I can never be able to write about all the moments, experiences and lesson I learned during this fellowship.

I will never forget my last day when my fellows came to know that we two sisters are here together and will always enjoy their surprising reactions, though we never intentionally keep it a secret but it become one of the surprises of my last day session.

I can never forget to having Mam Dania and Sir Ahsan as my instructor which give me another definition of your teacher. Special thanks to you. I am writing my this last blog with heart full of emotions, eyes full of tears and mind full of sweet memories. I am the person for whom good byes are most heart wrenching events. But It’s time to say good bye to this 3 months journey but I am happy I haven’t say good bye to the mates of this journey which is one of the hardest thing of someone’s life. I am not able to write more. Good bye Amal! I just wish everyone has a blessed and successful life ahead and keep Intouch with each other. Good bye with hope that:

“Goodbyes are not forever, Goodbyes are not the end”.

