Computer-aided Intelligence

Nishani Jayasinghe
3 min readMar 6, 2022


In the IT field, nowadays there are many new trends all over the world. Some of them can be mentioned as Data Science, the Internet of Things, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Edge Computing, Robotic Process Automation, and Intelligent apps. As Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation are the most trending technologies in the present world, here we are going to bring up you about those technologies.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence or computer-aided intelligence tends to rebuild human knowledge in machines that can understand the thinking pattern of the human mind and copy their activities. There are several features related to Artificial Intelligence and they are Deep Learning, Facial Recognition, Automate Tasks, Data Ingestion, Cloud Computing, Quantum Computing, and Chatbots.

Deep learning is a technique that makes natural sense to humans. The ability to identify each individual with the help of biometric characteristics is defined as Facial Recognition. People can assign tasks without much effort on AI inserted devices which make daily routine much easier. Data ingestion is the transportation of information from grouped sources to the storage medium. The term, Cloud Computing is used to describe the availability of computer system resources, without direct active management by the user. With the help of quantum neural networks, AI supports solving complex physics problems based on the principles of Quantum theory. Chatbots have improved their product quality because of Artificial Intelligence.

Robotics through Artificial Intelligence.

Most of the time Robotics Technology is strongly bonded with Artificial Intelligence. The main aim of designing robots is to build up machines that can be used to assist humans. This technology is applied in vast areas in the fields such as military robots, industrial robots, construction robots, agricultural robots, medical robots, kitchen automation, robot combat, domestic robots, nanorobots, swarm robotics, and sports field line marking. The mid-20th century is the major era of Robotics. Joseph F. Engelberger and George Devol were the first developers of the industrial robot which was adapted for automated die-casting.

Robotic technology is used for many purposes but nowadays it is heavily used in hazardous situations such as defusing bombs, exploring mines and shipwrecks, manufacturing processes such as in industrial sections, and place where humans cannot exist such as underwater, in space, and in high heat, etc. In the modern world, many robotic creations are inspired by nature and they are called bio-inspired robotics. By investigating the concepts from nature, they are applied to the engineered systems to solve real-world problems.

Different robots have different capabilities and some have social interactive abilities. They can understand the verbal and non-verbal communication of humans and respond in a suitable manner. Some advanced robots likewise can learn within a restricted limit. The robots store data and attempt the effective activity the following time it experiences a similar circumstance. They cannot pick up such data like a human can. Some robots have the ability to imitate human behaviors.

Identifying the way of processing natural intelligence is a huge challenge when implementing AI-based Robots. As the human brain contains a huge number of neurons, it is extremely difficult to identify the super accurate way of their connections. As a result, Artificial Intelligence has become more theoretical.

Since the beginning, it has been as often as possibly expected by different researchers, inventors, engineers, technicians, and experts that robots will one day have the option to imitate human reactions and carry-on tasks in a human-like manner. In the modern world, there is a rapid growth in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. As a result of that Robotics and Artificial Intelligence will make a great revolution in the future technological world.

