Winning the Game of Business Review —Secrets of 3 Mind-Blowing Pillars to 10X Your Success

Bill Figueroa
17 min readJun 8, 2024


Adorned with a crown of glory, this smiling, radiant woman manifests joy because of her entrepreneurial success.
A happy entrepreneur celebrates her success, wearing a symbolic crown of glory.

Welcome to this Winning the Game of Business Review! If you’re like many entrepreneurs, you might be wondering if John Assaraf’s program can really help you achieve sustainable growth. Well, you’re in the right place.

John Assaraf’s “Winning the Game of Business” program combines neuroscience principles with practical strategies to help entrepreneurs achieve lasting success. With a proven track record, it’s ideal for entrepreneurs, coaches, and consultants aiming to scale their businesses. The program includes Foundation, Implementation, and Optimization levels, plus a 100 Days to Financial Success Accelerator.

Imagine this: It’s the end of another quarter. You’re staring at your financial reports, heart racing, wondering how you’ll explain why you've missed your targets again to your team (or yourself). Been there, done that, got the t-shirt — and the sleepless nights to prove it.

But what if there was a way to break this cycle? A method that doesn’t just give you more “work harder” advice but rewires your brain for success?

John Assaraf claims to offer that with his “Winning the Game of Business” program. And let me tell you, when I first heard about it, I was skeptical. Another self-proclaimed guru with a magic formula? Give me a break.

But then I started looking into it, and what I found was surprising. In this review, I’ll walk you through what the program offers, how it works, and, most importantly, whether it delivers results. There will be no fluff or hype, just straight facts, and my honest opinion.

So, grab a coffee (or your beverage of choice), get comfy, and dive into this “Winning the Game of Business” review. Whether you’re a struggling startup founder, a coach looking to expand your practice, or a seasoned entrepreneur hitting a growth plateau, I think you’ll find some valuable insights here.

Let’s go! 👇

Table of Contents:

· What is Winning the Game of Business Program?
Level 1: Foundation
Module Overview:
Module Overview:
Module Overview:
· Who is John Assaraf?
· Foundation vs. The VIP Elite Offer
· VIP ELITE Package
· Who the Program is Best Suited For?
· Why Choose Winning the Game of Business Program?
· Drawbacks of the Program
· Frequently Asked Questions
Is the program suitable for beginners with no business experience?
How long does the Winning the Game of Business program last?
How can I access the live coaching and training materials?
What if I’m not satisfied? Is there a refund policy?
· Social Proof — Other People’s Perspectives
· Winning The Game Of Business Program Review — The Verdict

What is Winning the Game of Business Program?

The Winning the Game of Business program by John Assaraf encompasses multiple facets and is equipped to tackle various business-related challenges.
John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Business is multi-faceted and has many components to address business-related challenges.

Whether you’re starting a new business or looking to supercharge your current company, this program can help.

It distills John Assaraf’s business and psychology understanding into a three-step course. Each step covers a new aspect of strategic thinking and psychological mastery to help with business goals.

Level 1: Foundation

The introductory level begins with a simple lesson: learning to know yourself. Throughout this section, you develop an understanding of your motivations, thought processes, and any challenges you face.

John refers to this as the “inner game.” By locking down your thinking, you can implement actionable strategies for business growth.

But it’s not just about yourself — it also covers consumer psychology. Here, you’ll build a solid outline of your target market, crafting a unique selling proposition laser-targeted for your ideal client.

Much of this section relies on John’s deep appreciation for consumer psychology.

He’ll explore neuro-marketing and neuro-sales, explaining how concepts like the ‘Law of Attraction’ are critical to becoming a magnet for lead generation.

In short: know thy customer, know thyself.

Module Overview:

1. Winning The ‘Inner Game’ of Business. John begins the journey by talking about the foundation of all business giants — the inner game. John reveals that mindset is the secret factor that separates failure from victory. With the right psychology, anybody can become a powerhouse of unstoppable business success.

2. Vision, Mission, & Goals. What do you want to achieve? What are your business goals? More than just a vague dream, you’re encouraged to add concrete aspects to your business vision. Only by determining the finish line can you hope to run the race.

3. ‘Ideal Client’ Profile Workshop. Define who you’re selling to. Companies that try to sell to everybody appeal to nobody. John helps you cut out the noise, redefining your ‘ideal client.’ Learn how to map their wants, needs, pain points, and frustrations using the language of psychology, influence, and neuro-marketing.

4. Unique Selling Proposition. We’ve all heard of the USP. It’s what separates you from the sea of sameness. Unless you’re doing something different or better, you may as well not bother. Carving out your USP is the factor that puts you light years ahead of your competition. Ask yourself, why choose you?

5. ‘Neuro-Marketing’ & ‘Neuro-Sales’. Now, you begin to get into the good stuff. Learn about these psychological concepts and how they can offer new insights into core elements of business — marketing and sales. You’ll also explore similar topics related to the Law of Attraction.

6. Hats of Breakthrough Business Success. Finally, you’ll go through the ‘Six Hats’ decision-influencing technique — a key strategic tool to help you transform your business. Spoiler alert: It pertains to the various roles you assume as a business owner (visionary, marketer, engineer, manager, driver, salesperson).


Talk only gets you so far — taking action is what matters in business.

Armed with a deeper knowledge of yourself and your customers, this section moves on to practical implementation. John introduces the pillars of modern business, from end-to-end sales systems to dopamine triggers.

Once again, it’s not your average business course. Some content, such as developing a social media strategy or crafting an irresistible offer, can be found elsewhere.

What separates John’s program is the integration with psychology. It’s about cracking the code of how customers think and then integrating that information into your action plan.

Module Overview:

1. Developing Your End-to-End Sales System. An end-to-end sales system covers every stage in the sales cycle, from initial lead generation to the final sale and beyond. Here, you’ll create a roadmap for converting browsers into buyers, including how to create an optimized lead generation funnel.

2. Creating Your ‘Irresistible Offer’. The name tells it all. You want your customers to be compelled to buy your product or service. In this workshop, John covers his foolproof strategy for creating an offer your customers can’t refuse — the kind of proposition that sticks in their heads. The more compelling it is, the more sales you generate.

3. Content Strategy. Bill Gates proclaimed that ‘Content is King’ in the late ’90s. He’s been more than proved right. You need a social media mindset to succeed in the modern business world. John reveals his secret sauce to building a social media presence with over 1 million followers.

4. On-Camera Confidence Training. Confidence and charisma are not always innate — anyone can learn them. With more and more of the sales process online, you need to be convincing and compelling in front of the camera. John explains the basics of how to win over an audience, exude charisma, and build a tribe of fans. The Camera Confidence Training in Winning the Game of Business offers invaluable tips to elevate on-screen presence, benefiting even seasoned social media marketing experts.

5. Marketing Hot Buttons & Dopamine Triggers. Dopamine is a neurochemical that gives us a little buzz whenever we buy something. It’s a feel-good chemical. It’s also your solution to keeping customers coming back — again and again and again.

These psychological tactics elicit strong emotional responses and drive consumer behavior, triggering a sense of novelty, scarcity, and personalization.

The brilliant part? They work. Discover the tactics and business strategies used by power brokers like John Assaraf himself, whether you aim to dominate Facebook, LinkedIn, or any other social media marketing platform.


The final stage sands down the rough edges of your action plan to create a winning formula for success.

It introduces several more concepts and strategies for developing your business and scaling up. John’s version of business optimization is all about working smart, not hard.

You can use his blueprints to work toward your business goals rather than wasting precious time and resources on the wrong activities.

Module Overview:

1. Optimize Your Money-Making Marketing Machine. By now, you’ve built a framework to funnel customers from open to close. Here, you create a fully optimized lead generation plan. You’ll learn to improve the entire marketing sequence to boost sales, leads, and profits.

2. STTTR Workshop. STTTR is a bit of a mouthful. It stands for Strategies, Tactics, Timelines, Tools, and Resources. This proven framework of easy-to-follow steps uses the latest neuroscience research to hack your brain and rewire it for success. Instead of just setting endless business goals, the STTTR formula helps you actually achieve them.

3. Your 100-Day Action Plan. Deadlines focus the mind. The 100-day action plan is a practical and goal-focused plan to transform your business and mindset. John used this plan to build 5 multi-million-dollar companies. While it won’t take you all the way, it will set you on the right trajectory for the next stage of your business journey.

4. The G.O.P.A. Method. Standing for Generalize, Organize, Prioritize, and Actionalize, this method teaches you how to create goals, deal with negative emotions, and reprogram your subconscious using cutting-edge visualization techniques. You’ll begin to connect your goals and dreams to definitive outcomes, bridging the gap between visualization and actualization.

An AI bot can perform myriad automated tasks, helping you focus on your core business competencies.
An AI bot can automate tasks, helping entrepreneurs win the game of business.

5. Automation Tools, Tips, & Technology. ‘Less is more’ always seemed like a strange concept. But, in this case, it’s true. You’ll learn how to get more done by automating workflows to increase operational efficiency. The result? Higher revenue, faster growth, and more time to focus on growing the business. It’s the definition of work smart, not hard.

Who is John Assaraf?

Listen to this inspirational video hosted by Tom Bilyeu. In it, you will learn about John Assaraf’s background and his thoughts on making revenue streams.

John Assaraf,The Brain Whisperer,” is a renowned entrepreneur, author, and speaker who translates his experience into high-performance success coaching.

As an expert in behavioral neuroscience research, he’s appeared on Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper, and The Ellen DeGeneres Show, spilling his secrets to maximizing success.

Assaraf’s journey began with humble beginnings. Born In Tel Aviv, Israel, and raised in Montreal, Canada, he built a success-orientated mentality that led to his first business venture: Re/Max of Indiana, a real estate company. Under his tenure as CEO and co-founder, the company expanded to 86 offices and 1,200 sales associates.

It was just one of a number of business successes.

Over his career, John founded and built up five companies, earning a valuation of over $1 billion for each. Notably, he took his company public on NASDAQ, earning a market cap of $2.5 billion.

But John is more than just a business professional — he’s authored four books, including 2 New York Times bestsellers.

His books, including ‘Having It All,’ ‘The Answer,’ and ‘Innercise: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power,’ have been translated into 35 languages worldwide.

In addition to his writing, Assaraf is a prominent public speaker and mentor. He was featured in the hit film, ‘The Secret,’ where he expounded on the Law of Attraction and how positive thinking manifests success and happiness.

Today, he’s the CEO of Neurogym, a neuroscience-based company that uses cutting-edge techniques to help entrepreneurs improve their mindsets and achieve their goals and dreams.

He continues to educate millions worldwide through his teachings, seminars, and online programs, the centerpiece of which is the Winning the Game of Business program.

Foundation vs. The VIP Elite Offer

Interested in completing the Winning the Game of Business program?

If so, you can choose from two comprehensive packages: the FOUNDATION package and the VIP ELITE package.

John isn’t giving his secrets away for free. Indeed, even the FOUNDATION package is expensive compared to other comparable courses.

But as he claims, “20,000 everyday people are using [the system] to make an extra $5B in sales.” That’s an average of $250K per person. Pretty impressive, right?

So, what do you get for your money? Here’s a quick overview of the two options:


Neurogym values the total content of the FOUNDATION package at $10,997. If you’ve just dropped your cup, don’t worry. The actual price is $USD 2,997, or four payments of $824.

You won’t just gain access to the Winning the Game of Business 3-part training program (Value 5,000), a comprehensive series offering key insights and strategies for achieving business success. You’ll also receive the following:

The 9-Level Brain Re-Training System (Value $997) is an innovative program designed to reshape your mindset and enhance cognitive functions for greater success.

This Winning the Game of Business system is based on John Assaraf’s Innercise techniques. Think of Innercise as mental and emotional exercises to strengthen the mindset and release emotional blocks that interfere with success.

For example, to maintain motivation, you have to think of your driving force (“your big why”), as Assaraf explains in the following video:

  • Bonus 1: The Automatic Sales Machine (Value $2,500): Discover the secrets to creating an automated system that drives sales effortlessly. Learn how to get a flow of qualified leads and capitalize on them.
  • Bonus 2: Proven Facebook Advertising Secrets (Value $1,500): Access insider strategies for effective and profitable Facebook advertising. Thousands continue to win the game of business by properly harnessing the power of this platform.
  • Fast Action Bonus: John Assaraf’s HILL Method Of Selling (Value $1,000): Master the proven HILL method for achieving successful sales. Well-informed potential customers must be convinced to buy from you, not your competitors.

You will learn several key sales methods in these Winning the Game of Business bonus components. First and foremost, establish trust. How? It’s crucial to be dependable and transparent and deliver unparalleled customer support.

For example, I used to offer merchant accounts to small business owners. Typically, prospective clients would understandably ask many questions about the fees, process, legal stipulations, etc.

I remember receiving an email with 22 questions. It took me nearly two hours to answer it, but I was rewarded with her contract afterward. She replied that she could not believe I would respond with such attention to detail when most other companies failed to reply.

Business principle: When someone knocks on your door, answer it with diligence, purpose, and positive expectation.


Want to take your business expertise to the next level? The VIP ELITE package offers a truly mammoth quantity of resources and guidance designed for only the most dedicated success chasers.

The package will set you back a cool $3,997 USD. But considering the total course content is valued at $48,491, it’s even more of a bargain than the FOUNDATION package. You don’t need to pay the bill in one go. Split it into six payments of $773.

In addition to everything in the FOUNDATION package, you’ll receive:

VIP ONLY: 6 Months of LIVE Coaching & Q&A with John Assaraf & Experts (Value $9,000): Enjoy exclusive live coaching sessions with John Assaraf and top industry experts.

  • VIP ONLY Bonus 1: MBA In A Box Training Series (Value $7,500): This in-depth training series will help you gain comprehensive knowledge in business management. I don’t mean to name-drop, but you’ll learn from experts such as Mark Lang, Evan Carmichael, Roland Frasier, and Jermaine Griggs. They discuss the ins and outs of business, including brand-building, copywriting secrets, how to buy and sell businesses, and the power of automated marketing.
  • VIP ONLY Bonus 2: Social Media Secrets Training Series (Value $5,000): Learn effective social media strategies to boost your business growth. You will gain marketing mastery from business veterans Mari Smith, Sue Zimmerman, and others to accelerate your growth on platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and Linkedin.
  • VIP ONLY: 200% Return On Your Investment Guarantee (Value Priceless): Feel secure with a guarantee that ensures a significant return on your investment.
  • NEW! Special Bonus Training on Unleashing the Superpower of AI for Your Business (Value $5,000): Gain insights on leveraging artificial intelligence for business success.
  • NEW! Monthly Sales Mastery Training to Generate HUGE Floods of Sales Faster & Easier… Even If You Hate Selling! (Value $3,000): Participate in monthly training sessions focused on mastering the art of sales.
  • NEW! Live Monthly Training with John to Implement the Most Cutting-Edge AI Tools in Your Business So You Can Make More Money in Less Time (Value $7,994): Stay updated and implement the latest AI tools for greater business efficiency and profitability.

Who the Program is Best Suited For?

Not sure if the program is for you? The question is, how committed are you to future success? Unlike other business growth mentors, John Assaraf isn’t a snake oil salesman — his track record speaks for itself.

The Winning the Game of Business program is ideal for aspiring entrepreneurs, top business experts, and sales and marketing professionals wanting to inject some neuroscience into their processes.

You’ve got to be committed — you’ve got to be the kind of person who breaks barriers, surpasses their limits, and craves success. It’s called the game of business, after all. You’ve got to want to play to win.

Considering the price tag of the VIP ELITE package, most attendees will already have a few victories under their belts. Such individuals want to learn the ins and outs of business neuroscience, upgrade their understanding, and optimize their operations.

Does that sound familiar? If so, the program might just be for you.

Why Choose Winning the Game of Business Program?

Are you not seeing an ROI from your marketing efforts? Are you struggling to develop a powerful vision for your future? If you’re answering “yes” to these questions, you should consider the Winning the Game of Business program.

Consider these benefits:

1. Evidence-Backed Techniques. John Assaraf is an experienced neuroscience researcher. Everything he says is backed by the latest literature and research, the same evidence-based techniques he used to build a business empire — not just once, but five times. It’s helped attendees generate $5 billion in sales.

2. Extraordinary Volume of Content. The price tag is hefty, but you receive an absolute ton of content for the money: over 100 hours of live coaching, multiple training systems, a three-part course, and much more.

3. Community Support. The community support is unparalleled because only the most committed professionals sign up. It’s a network of top business experts ready to hold you accountable, advise on your action plan, and support you every step of your journey.

4. New Mindset. The best feature is the most intangible: your mindset. Through cognitive hacking and behavioral science, you’ll transform your mindset and learn skills for handling negative emotions, on-camera confidence, networking, and more.

Best of all, there’s a try-before-you-buy option. The 5-Day Business Breakthrough Challenge distills John Assaraf’s principles into an on-demand event. While you won’t get the full insights, it’s a perfect taster to see if the course is for you.

Here is a snapshot of what you’ll gain and how it can help you, unique to this Winning the Game of Business review:

Drawbacks of Winning the Game of Business

The most obvious drawback is the price. While the Business Breakthrough Challenge is a good taster at $47 USD, parting with several thousand dollars (as well as the time commitment) can seem daunting.

For small business owners and certain industries, the benefits of the course may not outweigh the cost.

Indeed, the price tag for each course is never explained. We’re told you’re saving tens of thousands of dollars, but how we arrive at this figure is unclear. But that’s more of a marketing pet peeve than a reflection of the course’s quality … which is amazing!

Another disadvantage is the vast content, which some deem overwhelming. Business novices may prefer a more concise, step-by-step approach.

Finally, the content is general in scope — not related to any specific niche or industry, even if the fundamentals apply to all businesses. That may leave some entrepreneurs thirsty for more individualized instruction, but that’s where the VIP ELITE option comes into play.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the program suitable for beginners with no business experience?

While the program contains foundational knowledge, it is best suited for individuals with some business experience. Beginners may find the extensive content overwhelming but can still benefit from the comprehensive training and support provided.

How long does the Winning the Game of Business program last?

The program is designed to be flexible and self-paced. It takes as long or as short as you want. Most participants will complete the materials in several months. The live coaching component lasts for six months, covering 100+ hours in sessions.

How can I access the live coaching and training materials?

Once you enroll in the program, you’ll receive access to a dedicated online platform where you can join live coaching sessions, access recorded training materials, and participate in community discussions.

What if I’m not satisfied? Is there a refund policy?

Still not convinced? John promises to refund your money if you don’t at least double your investment in the next 12 months (VIP ELITE program only). It’s a 200% double your money guarantee.

The FOUNDATION program has a 30-day bulletproof 100% money-back guarantee. If, for whatever reason, you’re not satisfied, you’ll receive a complete refund — no questions asked.

Social Proof — Other People’s Perspectives

Thousands of folks have enrolled in John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Business, and most have no regrets. Many assert that the return on investment has been extremely favorable, and a few select students have been able to launch their own million-dollar companies.

Because of Assaraf’s methods, four-figure earners have become five —, six---, and even seven-figure earners, especially those enrolled in the VIP ELITE option, due to John’s direct, hands-on assistance.

The Winning the Game of Business reviews are not universally positive, however. Some people believe that the training falls short of its promises to help accelerate profit and/or assist in helping the viewer to become more “wealth-centric.”

But I’m in the camp with the vast majority, impressed with Assaraf’s neuro-sales and neuro-marketing principles and science-based business approaches.

The Cognitive Edge: 5 brain-powered strategies for business excellence, representing just a sample of the core concepts in Winning the Game of Business.
Mind Over Market: Leveraging Brain Science for Business Mastery — This scratches the surface of the core concepts in Winning the Game of Business.

Winning The Game Of Business Program Review — The Verdict

The Winning the Game of Business program is one of the most comprehensive courses available, offering a neuroscience-backed approach to achieving business success.

It’s hard to argue with the quantity and quality of the content, nor can you question John Assaraf’s credentials.

Here’s a quick recap of the program:

  • Evidence-Based Techniques: Backed by neuroscience and behavioral research.
  • Extensive Content: Over 100 hours of live coaching and numerous training modules.
  • Community Support: Access to a network of dedicated professionals.
  • Mindset Transformation: Focus on cognitive hacking and behavioral change.
  • Risk-Free Trials: Money-back guarantees are available, tantamount to a free trial. Alternatively, you can sample the affordable 5-Day Business Breakthrough Challenge, which offers an easy-to-follow day action plan and business strategy from the onset.

While the cost and volume of content are daunting, the potential for rapid business growth and personal development is undoubtedly alluring for committed entrepreneurs.

Ready to invest in your future? Start your journey today and satisfy that universal human need to achieve — whether it’s opening your own retail store, launching your own e-commerce website, marketing a virtual consulting business, and everything in between.

In the game of business, victory is yours for the taking. Will you take it?

Learn more about John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Business by clicking here.

As a dedicated writer, my primary goal is to deliver valuable content to my audience. Please be aware that certain links may be affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission if you choose to purchase. Your support is greatly appreciated and helps me continue to provide helpful resources.

I sincerely hope this Winning the Game of Business review has been the most informative you’ve read online. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions about the training.



Bill Figueroa

Hi, I'm Bill Figueroa. I'm passionate about business, holisftic wellness, and personal empowerment. My mission: to unlock potential and promote unbridled joy.🌈