The Era of Hype: YouTubers, Meme Coins, and the Importance of Solid Fundamentals

Malek Almsaddi
3 min readAug 1, 2023

In recent times, an increasingly concerning trend has gained momentum in the world of cryptocurrency. Many content creators, especially those on YouTube, have started to lean heavily into spotlighting projects marked by robust marketing strategies. These projects, however, often lack the solid fundamentals required for a sustainable venture in the ever-evolving crypto landscape. The prime example that comes to mind is the aptly named ‘PepeMemeCoin.’

The proliferation of these trends is driven predominantly by hype. Yet, the implications of such an approach are troubling. They have led to substantial financial losses for thousands of enthusiasts who, entranced by the promise of quick profits, invest in these volatile meme coins. While a select few have managed to skim profits off the top, the broader implications of this phenomenon are worrisome.

The current frenzy over meme coins has been compared to the notorious lending coin era of 2017 and 2018. It was a period marked by the rise and fall of projects like Bitconnect and Davor, notorious schemes that resulted in billions of dollars in losses. History, as we know, often repeats itself. Therefore, recognizing the risks associated with such ventures is of paramount importance.

However, the objective here is not merely to raise alarm bells but to catalyze a shift in the way we approach cryptocurrency investments. Influential platforms like YouTube can be a powerhouse for positive change. They have the potential to direct public attention and funds towards projects that offer more than just flashy marketing — projects that deliver genuine value with tangible use cases. By doing so, we can uncover the hidden gems of the crypto world rather than contributing to the perpetuation of volatile meme coin hype.

Just imagine the power of this shift. By focusing our collective efforts on backing projects with robust fundamentals, we can affect a sea change in the crypto community. We can create a healthier investment environment and ensure that the revolutionary promise of cryptocurrency is not lost amidst an ocean of meme coins. This transformation not only benefits individual investors but also contributes to the maturation and sustainability of the entire cryptocurrency sector.

The trend of YouTubers promoting meme coins is quite widespread. While it’s challenging to name all the YouTubers involved in this practice, here are a few instances that have been reported:

  1. A YouTube channel titled “CryptoGalaxy” has been known to discuss various meme coins. In one of their videos, they even discuss potentially turning $100 into $1,000,000 with meme coins. Source:
  2. Another instance was reported by Finbold, where unnamed YouTubers promoted a new meme coin, touting it as the next big thing after Pepe. Source:

These examples highlight the extent of the issue at hand. It’s crucial to remember that while some YouTubers may have good intentions, the promotion of volatile and risky meme coins can lead to significant financial losses for their viewers. Therefore, it’s always important to do your own research and due diligence before investing in any cryptocurrency.

In conclusion, the importance of prudence and due diligence in cryptocurrency investments cannot be overstated. The allure of quick returns and viral trends can be tempting, but it’s crucial to remember the high-risk nature of such ventures. Let’s leverage the influence of platforms like YouTube to promote projects of substance and lasting value, steering the crypto community towards a future marked by stability, sustainability, and genuine innovation. After all, the future of cryptocurrency should be dictated by robust fundamentals, not fleeting hype.

Malek Almsaddi

Author of DeFi: The People's Money

Founder of Invtron DAO



Malek Almsaddi

Author of DeFi: The People's Money | Serial Entrepreneur | CEO of Kulassa | Blockchain Certified | Pro DAO's | Master in Negotiation, Budgeting, Planning.