How to Deal with Cravings

Coach Malek
2 min readFeb 2, 2018

One of our clients at SCFIT asked us this,

How do you deal with cravings? We went to brunch today and they had bottomless mimosas and other alcohol drinks. I was the only person out of eight not drinking.. it sucked.. but how do you typically deal with that stuff? I want to still be able to go out have fun even if I’m the only one not drinking. Tonight was a struggle to have fun being there.

So, I asked him,

“Why was it a struggle to have fun?

And he said because it was a crowded bar and every other person I was with was drinking so I kind of felt like an outcast in a way.

I’d say number one Justin,

Control Your Environment

Do you believe that one saying where it says you are the average of the five people you surround yourself with?

Environment is hard to have control over.

But, if you do want to go out with your friends and actually go out and have fun, then…

Control Your Mindset

So, Justin if you’re gonna go out that’s fine, and just if you have the mindset that everyone else is gonna drink I’m NOT gonna drink but I’m still going to have fun anyway, then you’ll be alright.

You know, don’t go in having the mindset that your friends are already gonna say like,

oh he’s not gonna be fun or it’s not gonna be fun because he’s not drinking

Have the mindset like today I’m not drinking but I’m still going to have a good time, have some jokes and have fun with friends.

Like just have that positive mindset.

I think that’s gonna be huge for you and I think if you just control that and just have that attitude, it will help you get over the hump of like, hey this is a struggle, you know.

Now, you’re there and you are controlling your mindset and going out with your friends but then those cravings kick in.

I get that.

But now just focus on number three.

Focus on the Result

Every action you take is gonna have a result.

If you focus on the result that you’re trying to get to, focus on where you want to be eight weeks from now, three months from now, and just focus on the result, then when you get those cravings it’ll be easier to resist.

Take the right action based on where you want to be in the future. Not what you want right now.

Hope these three can help you out and hopefully it can help someone else out too.

Pretty much that’s what it comes down to.

Control Your Environment. Control Your Mindset. Focus on the Result.

You got this!

