Maliha Javed
3 min readSep 7, 2022


“Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another”. It is the act of sharing of ideas, facts, opinions, thoughts, messages or emotions to other people, in and out the organization, with the use of the channel to create mutual understanding and Confidence.

Types of Communication:

There are many ways that people communicate. Language is deeply ingrained in culture and, thus, communication types and styles will vary. General types of communication include the following:

1. Verbal

This is verbal, spoken language and consists of now no longer best the language and phrases spoken, however the tone they’re spoken in, the cadence and speed, in addition to formal as opposed to casual language.

2. Non-Verbal

This kind of communique consists of posture, facial expressions, kinesics (gestures), and oculesics (eye actions and behavior). American Sign Language (ASL), that’s an formally identified language, additionally falls into nonverbal sorts of communique.

3. Visual

Social media has furnished the sector with a kind of visible conversation that has to attach us throughout the sector. Zoom, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and plenty of different social media systems have introduced a brand new dynamic to how we talk with one another. Other forms of visuals consist of symptoms and symptoms and emblems that talk a idea or use of audiovisual aids for presentation.

4. Written

This is communication that is written in many forms, from emails and texts to old-fashioned pen and paper.

5. Active Listening

This is a crucial form of verbal exchange as it encourages and courses verbal exchange with the aid of using reflecting returned on what’s being stated and responding to the sender in a considerate and planned way to suggest that the receiver is without a doubt paying attention to what’s being communicated.

Elements of Communication:

Communication is a two way process, wherein interchange of message connects the sender and receiver, towards an agreed direction, consisting seven elements:

Sender: Otherwise known as a source, it is the person who has something to pass on, to another individual.

Encoding: The sender of the message, selects appropriate words or non-verbal techniques to convert the idea into the message, which is called as encoding.

Message: Message implies something that the sender wants to communicate, to the receiver. Without a message, no communication is possible.

Medium: Medium alludes to the channel or mode, through which message is communicated to the receiver, i.e. it can be sent by way of electronic word processing system, graphic, symbol, etc.

Receiver: The one to whom the message is directed, is called receiver. He/she notices and conveys some meaning to the message.

Decoding: The act of interpreting message by the receiver, is termed as decoding. The receiver’s outlook, experience, and attitude play a vital role in decoding message.

Feedback: The process of communication can never be completed, if the response of the receiver is missing. It enables the communicator of a message to know whether the message has been received and interpreted in the same manner as directed.

All the seven elements of communication has a great role to play in the entire process, as there can be some deformation between the intended message and the received one.