Coding for kids Python Chennai

2 min readDec 8, 2021


Python is a high-level scripting language. It is easy to learn and powerful than other languages because of its dynamic nature and simple syntax which allow small lines of code. Coding For Kids Python Chennai Included indentation and object-oriented functional programming make it simple. Such advantages of Python make it different from other languages and that’s why Python is preferred for development in companies mostly. In industries, machine learning using python has become popular. This is because it has standard libraries which are used for scientific and numerical calculations. Also, it can be operated on Linux, Windows, Mac OS, and UNIX. Students who want to make a future in Python are joining online video training courses and python programming tutorials.

Coding For Kids Python Chennai

A question that arises is why Python is favored over other languages for machine learning. This is due to the advantages Python has over other programming languages. Here are some of Python’s basic features that set it apart from other programming languages:
Python is a high-level programming language. It indicates that Python is a user-friendly language rather than a machine language.
Python’s interactive nature makes it simple and appealing to users. Users can inspect the output for each statement in interactive mode.
It permits the reuse and recycling of programs because it is an Object Oriented Programming language.
Python’s syntax may be extended with a variety of libraries.

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