Bullying Reaction Paper

Bahram Jahangir
6 min readNov 12, 2022


Listening to the word “Bullying” bring negative thoughts in the mind. Bullying itself is very wide terminology with many definitions related to it.

The Department of Justice says that bullying includes acts where there is “a genuine or seen awkwardness of power, with the more powerful child or gathering attacking the individuals who are less powerful.” Generally, analysts separate bullying into three classifications:

· Physical (hitting, kicking)

· Verbal (name calling, teasing)

· Psychological (social exclusion, extortion, coercion, and rumor spreading)

Many of these behaviors seem an inevitable part of growing up. According to researchers the problem of bullying is directly linked to violence and mental health problems among its perpetrators and victims. Generally it is observed that the victims of bullying suffer from low self-esteem, reduced academic performance and, in extreme cases, violence acts of retribution or committing suicide has been recorded. Long-term studies upon the problem of bullying have found that students who got involved in bullying at school are more likely to be incarcerated later in life.

In 2002, the American Medical Association cautioned that bullying is a general medical problem with long haul psychological wellness ramifications for the two domineering jerks and their exploited people. An ongoing report by UCLA analysts Jaana Juvonen and Adrienne Nishina demonstrated that understudies who witness demonstrations of bullying background expanded uneasiness and create a negative relationship with the school. What’s more, the Department of Education has delivered this startling measurement: Each day, 60,000 understudies in the U.S. abstain from going to class since they fear being tormented.

“It is far from being a simple playground ritual,” said Russell Skiba, a leading bullying researcher who directs the Safe and Responsive Schools project at the University of Indiana, Bloomington. “It is something that we need to take seriously.” In the United States, the public has started to take bullying seriously, and beyond the statistics, this increased awareness can be traced largely to one event.

Looking at bulling and its nature, it isn’t constrained to a particular age gathering or field of life. This resembles an infection and can possibly influence anybody at any age. Individuals will in general consider bullying something that happens just to children and to feel that the word is wrong when connected to grown-ups. Truth be told, bullying can transpire at any age. The people in question, for instance, may not generally be calm, bashful, or defenseless. The reasons may likewise be minor, even preposterous. Without a doubt, by and large there is no reason by any stretch of the imagination.

It is regularly said that harassers look for power. All things considered, when he has embarrassed and broken his unfortunate casualty, the bully has control and can pick regardless of whether to dispense enduring. Watch a resentful child and you will likely find that he frequently tosses counterfeit punches and kicks, only for the delight of seeing his injured individual jump. Be that as it may, power isn’t the main intention. A few people bully for sheer vicious joy, others out of a craving for requital. Many do as such with the end goal to help their confidence. All things considered, confidence relies upon how individuals feel they contrast with others; through bullying, they can push somebody down the step and in this way raise their very own status and certainty.

At long last, it ought to be pushed by and by that bullying can happen anyplace: a spouse can bully his significant other, a sister can bully her sibling, and a parent can bully their child. Bullying in the workplace is likewise a noteworthy issue. In addition to the fact that it causes agony to the person in question, it makes a toxic, antagonistic air that undermines the smooth running of the business. Furthermore, bullying can occur at any phase of life — from the nursery school to the retirement home.

In the first place, it is essential to be self-assured. On the off chance that you are basically detached and enable the bully to do what he enjoys, not exclusively will he proceed however other individuals will accept the bullying doesn’t trouble you. Keep your button up, shoulders back, and look at the bully straight without flinching. Additionally, keep your voice level and clear. When you talk, don’t denounce, simply center around how his activities are influencing you. Try not to clarify, backtrack or apologize. Simply rehash what you have said again and again until the point when they get the message.

The guardians of harassed children end up in a particularly troublesome circumstance. Some detonate with indignation and defy either the bully or his mom and father. Be that as it may, this can be perilous. All things considered, nobody likes to be informed that their child is acting in such a way. Some will advise their child to battle back. Once more, this can be perilous: life isn’t care for a tasteless Hollywood motion picture in which the bully throws in the towel when somebody faces him. Fortunately, schools presently consider the issue significantly more important than they used to.

Whatever frame it takes, bullying uncovers an ugly and discouraging side of human nature. Furthermore, saddest of all, nobody benefits. The injured individual clearly endures. Be that as it may, so do people around him. The harassed regularly take out their agony on other individuals, feeling that they too should endure: tormented children may attack more youthful siblings or holler maltreatment at their folks, harassed workers may end up sullen and resentful, making a poisonous climate for the individuals who work with them. At last, even the bully does not get away. Bullying can turn into a habit, making the bully disagreeable organization and disregarding him detached and.

Parents, school staff, and other caring adults have a task to carry out in counteracting bullying. They can:

· Help kids comprehend bullying. Discuss what bullying is and how to face it securely. Tell kids bullying is unsatisfactory. Ensure kids realize how to get help.

· Keep the lines of correspondence open. Check in with children frequently. Hear them out. Know their companions, get some information about school, and comprehend their worries.

· Encourage children to do what they cherish. Unique exercises, interests, and side interests can support certainty, enable children to make companions, and shield them from bullying conduct.

· Model how to treat others with consideration and regard.

With the end goal to guard the children from menaces and bullying, we should enable them to comprehend bullying. Children who realize what bullying is can more readily distinguish it. They can discuss bullying on the off chance that it transpires or others. Children need to realize approaches to securely confront bullying and how to get help.

· Encourage children to address a believed grown-up in the event that they are tormented or see others being harassed. The grown-up can give solace, support, and exhortation, regardless of whether they can’t take care of the issue specifically.

· Encourage the child to report bullying on the off chance that it occurs.

· Talk about how to confront kids who bully. Give tips, such as utilizing diversion and saying “stop” specifically and certainly. Discuss what to do if those activities don’t work, such as leaving.

· Talk about systems for remaining sheltered, for example, remaining close grown-ups or gatherings of different children.

· Urge them to help kids who are tormented by demonstrating thoughtfulness or getting help.

Research reveals to us that children truly do seek guardians and parental figures for counsel and help on extreme choices. Now and again putting in 15 minutes daily talking can promise kids that they can converse with their folks on the off chance that they have an issue. Looking at bullying straightforwardly is a vital advance in seeing how the issue may influence kids. There is no set in stone responses to these inquiries; however it is vital to urge children to answer them genuinely. Guarantee kids that they are not the only one in tending to any issues that emerge. Children gain from adult’s activities. By treating others with thoughtfulness and regard, adults demonstrate the children in their lives that there is the wrong spot for bullying. Regardless of whether it appears as though they are not focusing, kids are observing how grown-ups oversee pressure and strife, and also how they treat their companions, associates, and families.

Literature Cited:

Berguno, G., Leroux, P., McAinsh, K., Shaikh, S. (2004). Children’s experience of loneliness at school and its relation to bullying and the quality of teacher interventions. The Qualitative Report, 9, 483–499.

Bosacki, S. L., Marini, Z. A., Dane, A. V. (2006). Voices from the classroom: Pictorial and narrative representations of children’s bullying experiences. Journal of Moral Education, 35, 231–245. doi:10.1080/03057240600681769

Leslie Ramos Salazar, Workplace Bullying in Digital Environments, Social Issues in the Workplace, 10.4018/978–1–5225–3917–9.ch041, (803–825), (2018).

Ståle Einarsen, (1999) “The nature and causes of bullying at work”, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 20 Issue: 1/2, pp.16–27,



Bahram Jahangir

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