Sorry, But We Have to Let You Go…

Malika Staar
4 min readSep 21, 2023

Have you ever heard these words in your career?

Have you worked hard to be all you could be in a position, and they still did not find value in what you brought to the table?

Have you felt your heart sink from the rejection, even after you put your best foot forward?

I know your pain. Just last week, this happened to me. The company had extended my contract for another 30 days, but they realized their budget would not be cost effective any longer, and shorten my contract with a two week notice. While I am grateful for the two weeks notice, I am also dishearten because I believed a had a little more time to secure another contract before this one ended, but more importantly, I would be able to cover my cost of living for the next 30 days.

I could sit back and complain about the situation; or I could take the high road in knowing one closed door, opens an even bigger, better, opened door. I decided to take the latter of the two choices and lend some advice to anyone who finds themselves in the same boat.

I was told that it was important to have multiple streams of income in order to weather these kinds of storms. Being a single mom with two teenagers to raise, I have to constantly find ways to keep income flowing. We have to eat and I have a mortgage to pay. And while my children receive death benefits after their father’s untimely passing, it just covers their activity fees and some of their needs.

I wish I could tell you, I started a business and instantly became a millionaire. But that is not my journey. Instead, my story is one built on consistency and the heart not to give up.

I read a book, “Turning You Setbacks Into Greenbacks” by Dr. Willey Jolly over 15 years ago. It is inspired me to write my soon to be BEST SELLING, “Now That I Know Better”. (GO GET A COPY). It sheds some truth on how to weather the storms of life and gives you hope that BETTER days are just around the corner. More than that, writing this book birthed my publishing company, MaliStaar Publishing, LLC, which has helped over 7 new authors become published. I also formed The Power of Two Marketing Services, LLC, which helps individuals and small businesses develop marketing material such as resumes, content for social media, and other small projects.

Introducing The Power of Two Marketing Services & MaliStaar Publishing, LLC

Here I give some realistic tips, that if you apply them, while there are no guarantees, you maybe able to weather these kinds of upsets in your finances as well.

So How Do We Pivot When We Have Been Let Go?

  1. Immediately file for Unemployment Benefits if you qualify. You must have worked a certain length of time (it varies from state to state), and your termination from your employer must not be any fault of your own. — Remember, it may take a couple of weeks to receive, however, something beats nothing at all. They will also give you all you back benefits from the date you filed.
  2. Always look for the positives in the situation. Did you learn a new skill, or how to use a new software, or did you gain some wisdom from that experience? Great! You are ready for #3.
  3. Take what you have learned and add it to your resume. If you are a business owner, add it to your upgraded Capability Statement. This will unlock new doors of opportunity. (Don’t know how to do that, go to and send me a message in the “Contact” section).
  4. Identify your likeable marketable talents. Can you sew, cook, bake, write, type fast, watch children, have a good driving record, or can clean a house like nobody’s business? There is someone out there who needs what you have to offer. Maybe it’s time to start your hustle. It’s time to bet on you!
  5. Legal money is all around you. Yesterday, I made over $325 in one day. That is more than I was making on that contract and I didn’t have to wait for two weeks to receive my checks.
  6. Use social media like Clubhouse, TikTok, and Instagram and to get the word out about what you are doing or about to do. I built a relationship with the people I met in Clubhouse about my writing business, and several people hired me. If I made that $325 everyday for the next 20 days (because who works on the weekends?) that would be $6,500/month in cash. That doubles my income from my job. Realistically, it is achievable, and there are people out here doing even more than I am.

See how looking for the positive can change your perspective?

There are no guarantees, but with resources like, Clubhouse, TikTok, and Meta, finding paying clients can be obtainable.

This article was written to inspire you to count the possibilities. And if it has worked for you, then it may work for someone else, so share this articles with others. You don’t know who may need this advice. Also, we have not, because we ask not. So, I am asking you to leave a clap…THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.

P. S. If you need help writing your next book, resume, or just some good advice, send me a message. I am happy to help where I can. :-)



Malika Staar

Welcome to my world of all things to know better about. I am the self-published author of Now That I Know Better & mom of 6.