Darth Maul
4 min readMar 20, 2017

Why Core should fork ASAP/now….

Many people do not see tree from the forest. ;-)

I am sure that behind curtains is whole another ball game. First of all you must know some things about China:

  • China is heavily centralized country,
  • In China you can not open candy store without approval/involvement of Government,
  • China Central Committee is not bunch of idiots,
  • They are prisoners of Petro Dollar at the moment and trying to break free,
  • They see themselves as new superpower not just in field of economy but as well monetary and military,
  • There is much more but have no time to writte all…

As per previous facts some things do not “compute” and there is question mark:

  • how comes that some kid like JihanWu managed to create company like BitmainTech??? Do you think that guy is capable of such thing? I am not so sure about that?
  • Where did money come from to start such large business?
  • Roger Ver is rich guy but his wealth is not endless so 400.000 BTC is not enough for all those operations and fundings,
  • How did JihanWu get approvals for location’s, energy, etc… Must be well connected with Government I guess,
  • why did China Govt cracked down Exchanges in China but did not shut them down? Why did they clean them and put under strict monitoring?
  • Where are all coins from those exchanges?
  • There are much more questions but for now I will stop here…

So what could be real agenda behind all this??

  • China understands what crypto is. China correctly see’s it as next generation monetary system and want’s to have control over it.
  • They found systemic flaw in Bitcoin and those are miners. They are after raw hash power centralised on their soil, controled by them through heavily subsidized miners among which is key player BitmainTech supplied by money, energy and endless funding. So who is real owner? It is China Government! JihanWu will be President of Bitcoin Unlimited, Roger will probably be Senior Vice President and I guess Erik will be Secretary. This is very “decentralized and distributed” Bitcoin solution!!! ;-)
  • Roger as “Bitcoin Jesus” is perfect smoke screen for world because he is talking about cafee for Bitcoin and Bitcoin for poor but drive’s Lambo… :-) Best part is that people are buying that sh…t! So Jesus become Judas!
  • If they manage to hijack it there are many options that will open for them like attack on Petro Dollar and current monetary system, use Bitcoin as digital gold so that PBOC can prind Digital Maos that are backed by Bitcoin, etc, etc, In one sentence — they will control digital monetary system for whole world.
  • They are not just after Bitcoin. Check ETC declaration and tell me how many people signed it out of China? I see only two — Barry and Charles. Rest of signatures are China only.
  • Dash? What about Dash? Why price skyrocketed? My lucky guess is that Roger Ver (China Govt) is after more than 51% of masternodes. If they manage to control 51% or more they control Dash as well.

Ok, by now most of you see here conspiracy theory and see me as lunatic but let me give you roadmap how this will play out:

  • JihanWu (China Govt) is not YET ready for HF,
  • They need BitmainTech facility to be fully operational (Est, Dec/2017 but I do not trust them about dates, probably will be earlier).
  • They are “negotiating” now in order to buy time — they are not interested in any real negotiations,
  • After they gain hash power they WILL fork,
  • They have hash power now but they do not have developers, users, nodes, etc…
  • Developers will probably get offer they can not refuse in $$$ so you can expect there will be transfers towards BU. Some of you will say that is OK since knowledge will be in BU. Far from that. Remember that JihanWu is President and somebody made him president so he is somebody’s appointee. He will also report to “higher power” (Govt in this case) and will do as told. Bitcoin will be developed towards interest of China only and will have nothing to do with Satoshi’s vision. That means more centralization. We can call it “dictated development”.
  • Nodes will be no problem. They can add as much as they want. They will be centralized heavily but so will miners — China mostly.
  • Users? Easily manipulated. They will use Roger’s BTC, BTC from China Exchanges and they probably already gathered some in order to dump on BTC in order to prop up BTU price. Goal is to create panic and divert users toward BTU.
  • Busines? “Hostile” — “Non BTU” exchanges? Expect various hacking attacks and large DDoS-es. They will try to shut them down.

Should Core use UASF/force segwit, etc. By all means YES. For Core time is essential. I hope they do NOT believe they will have fair negotiations.

If China hash power is lost I do not see big problem. BTC ecosystem is here, users are here, nodes are here, developers and knowledge is here. For now!!!

In few weeks difficulty will adjust and people like me will start to mine again like we did in early days. There will be many more new people mining — those who missed first round because they did not hear about Bitcoin in 2009.

My true believe is that that would make Bitcoin much stronger, distributed and decentralized. Core should learn on this mistake and make sure that this bug does not surface again in future.

Satoshi did not build Bitcoin for miners and miner fee’s but for all of us!

Darth Maul