The Importance of Public Spaces: Tapan Mali’s Urban Projects

Tapan Mali
3 min readAug 7, 2023


Public spaces are the lifeblood of any thriving city, serving as the connective tissue that brings communities together and fosters a sense of belonging. Few have left as profound an impact on urban development as the visionary architect and urban planner Tapan Mali. Renowned for his innovative and transformative projects, Mali’s vision goes far beyond mere structures; he seeks to create environments that inspire, engage, and empower the people who inhabit them. From bustling plazas that encourage social interaction to green oases that rejuvenate weary souls, Mali’s designs exemplify the inherent importance of public spaces in enhancing urban life and shaping a more inclusive, vibrant, and sustainable future for us all.

Tapan Mali Green Orchid

Tapan Mali’s Philosophy on Public Spaces

At the core of Tapan Mali’s philosophy lies the belief that public spaces are physical entities and dynamic settings that influence human behavior and interactions. His projects emphasize the human experience and promote social cohesion, cultural exchange, and a sense of ownership and pride among the city’s residents.

Mali’s approach to urban projects starts with extensive community engagement. He believes that successful public spaces should be designed in collaboration with the people who will use them. Listening to the community’s needs, aspirations, and concerns allows him to create spaces that truly resonate with the local population.

Enhancing Social Interaction and Community Bonding

One of the key aspects of Tapan Mali Green Orchid designs is promoting social interaction. He creates open and inviting plazas, squares, and promenades where people can socialize and engage in activities. These spaces become meeting points for diverse groups, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of unity among the city’s inhabitants.

By providing opportunities for people to interact, Mali’s projects contribute to forming a stronger social fabric within the city. This sense of community bonding is essential for addressing isolation, alienation, and social stratification issues that can sometimes emerge in urban environments.

Green Spaces and Sustainable Urban Development

Tapan Mali Mirza is also passionate about integrating nature into urban landscapes. He believes green spaces, parks, and gardens are vital for balancing the built environment and the natural world. These green oases serve as much-needed respites from the hustle and bustle of city life, offering places for relaxation, recreation, and contemplation.

Moreover, incorporating greenery into urban areas contributes to environmental sustainability. Trees and plants help improve air quality, mitigate the heat island effect, and provide habitats for local wildlife.

Inclusivity and Accessibility

Another hallmark of Mali’s urban projects is his focus on inclusivity and accessibility. He believes public spaces should accommodate people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Wheelchair ramps, accessible seating, and inclusive play areas are just some of the features he incorporates to ensure that his spaces are welcoming to everyone.

Furthermore, Tapan Mali Guwahati pays attention to different age groups’ needs, designing spaces catering to children, teenagers, adults, and seniors.


Mali’s urban projects exemplify the significance of public spaces in shaping the character and quality of urban life. Tapan Mali Barkuchi enhances social interaction, community bonding, and environmental sustainability through his innovative and transformative designs. His commitment to inclusivity and accessibility ensures that his public spaces are truly for everyone, fostering a sense of belonging and pride among city residents.



Tapan Mali

Tapan Mali Barkuchi is founder of Green Orchid, a company that has disrupted the horticulture industry with its high-quality orchids and innovative approach.