Parallel voting track to challenge the US election system in court

MalkaBeth Grundfest-Frigeri
3 min readJul 27, 2017


At this point I have discussed this on Twitter and in person with a local friend so this is in the early development phases.

My idea is built upon both the ideas & work of the #DNCFraudLawsuit and the idea of the #BernieOrBust founder who developed the equipment/system to do a parallel voting track to get Sanders elected that way.

It is to create a parallel voting track of an current election which will have #electionIntegrity in it and then challenge the fraudulent results created by our current mess of the mostly Diebold voting machines. There are then two main directions where we could take this-

  1. Focus on getting the same voters who managed to get to the polls to vote to use the parallel voting track to obtain different results, for court. #ExitPolls
  2. Focus on getting as many people eligible to vote as possible included in the parallel voting track for court. #TrueRepresentation

Option 1- Exit poll’s

This would require we actually get exit done throughout the entire region that the parallel voting track is done in, as we saw sometimes they can be cancelled suddenly. If this occurred it would give us more evidence in court of fraud by which to challenge the election, but if it was indeed cancelled and we didn’t have entrance polling setup as a backup to this, it would be a major problem.

Option 2- #TrueRepresentation

The graph above illustrates that many people do not vote due in part to financial barriers. Our transportation infrastructure is a complete mess- roads, sidewalks (if they exist most are not in good shape) bridges, public transit. This is why weather really is a factor in voter turnout. People with disabilities or are sick by en large have more difficulty with mobility and those who live in care facilities rarely have privacy for their voting. Schedule is an issue because although in some areas there are requirements for employers to give workers time off to vote, its never the entire day and there are always a minimum number of hours/week that the employee must work per job to get this benefit. Most minimum wage workers do not work per job enough to meet that minimum per job but they work 2–5 jobs so they are risking multiple jobs to take off time to vote. Inconvenient place is again a matter as with most of the above not having enough polling locations to allow everyone who is eligible to vote.

For many local elections, at least in my part of the country, under 15% of people eligible to vote is typical.

Therefore if we setup for this scenario and obtained 90% of the people eligible to vote to participate and only 10% participated in the current system, especially if exit polls were not suddenly cancelled, or if we had another group doing entrance polling, of both with a breakdown of who did both, who did just parallel and who just did regular track.

Court aspects

Due to the fact that election infrastructure was put under the unconstitutional Dept of Homeland Security (W. Bush created it & Obama expanded it) jurisdiction would be a problem, so we’d need to simultaneously challenge whatever election we did this with in state/local and federal court.

Copyright July 27,2017



MalkaBeth Grundfest-Frigeri

Environmentalist, Animal Rights Activist, Human Rights Activist, Disability Rights Advocate, Jewish, Basic Income Supporter