Setup Contentful and GraphQL Apollo Client in React Native

Malkhan Singh
7 min readFeb 6, 2022


Contentful GraphQL React Native Apollo Client

In this post, I’m going to set up Contentful (a headless CMS platform) in React Native App using GraphQL Apollo Client. I’ll show this setup in the NX workspace as well as the Expo platform.



I am assuming the reader has a basic understanding of the react-native framework. A basic understanding of GraphQL, Apollo Client, and Contentful will be good, but I will give a short introduction of them and also will explain the reason why I choose them. I’ll use a free account of contentful in this post.



Similar to React, React Native, GraphQL also was developed by Facebook (now known by Meta) internally and published in 2015 for the public as an open-source project. It was developed to overcome some of the drawbacks of Rest APIs.

GraphQL is a query language used for APIs. It is preferred where data is changing very frequently to optimize API calls. It fetches only the required data. On the other hand, Rest APIs fetch complete data for each call. With graphQL, it is very easy to customize fields for each API call. [To know more about it, please go through graphQL’s official documentation.]

Apollo Client

It is a fully-featured state management library that manages data using GraphQL. This library makes it easy and handles optimization with it to fetch, cache, and update data with little configuration. [To know more about it, please go through apollo graphQL’s official documentation.]


Headless content management systems (CMS) are trending these days because here we can manage content without having our own backend system. These headless CMS provide support for each platform which makes them more popular to use for business.

Contentful is one such headless CMS platform where we can manage the content of our own website or app without having any technical knowledge. [To know more about contentful services, please visit their website. Note: contentful services are paid and I’m not associated with any of their services. I’m using a free account for learning purposes only.]


I’ll do this setup for a react native app in both expo as well nx workspace.

Please find the final react native app from here.

Setup basic React Native App

  • In expo platform (here)
expo init quick-news-appcd quick-news-appnpm installexpo start
  • In NX workspace (here)
npx create-nx-workspace quick-news-repo

This command will show a list of apps you want to create in this workspace. Here choose react-native.

Now, type the application name you want. For me it’s quicknews

Want to use Nx cloud? go for default No

cd quick-news-repo

Now, run react-native app quicknews

  • for ios
npx nx run-ios quicknews
  • for android
npx nx run-android quicknews

The basic setup for react native app is done. Now, I’ll set up contentful.

Setup Contentful space

  • Login to contentful for a free account

On successful login, you will get to contentful space

Contentful blank-space-header
contentful space header
  • Add content type Posts
Contentful content-type
  • Add fields to this content type
Contentful content-type-fields

Now, go to the Content tab from the header

  • Add entry / Add posts
Contentful add-entity
Contentful add post
  • Add posts content and publish it
Contentful first-post

Now, go to Info section in right panel and copy ENTRY ID

Contentful entry id

This is the unique id for this entry in this space, I’ll use this entry id later to fetch the content of this particular post.

Now, click on Settings in the header and select API Keys

Contentful settings
  • Select content delivery/preview tokens and add API key
Contentful CDA header

Fill name for API token copy Space Id, Content Delivery API — access token

Please keep space id and content delivery api access token (CDA Access Token) safely and do not share these with anyone. Note: I’ll delete this token before publishing this post.

Contentful CDA Keys

Write graphQL query on Contentful GraphiQL server{SPACE_ID}/explore?access_token={CDA_ACCESS_TOKEN}

Here, SPACE_ID and CDA_ACCESS_TOKEN are the same that I saved in the last step. After updating, variables with their value URL will look like this

Open this URL in a new tab, we will get the GraphiQL dashboard, where we can write queries to fetch data from contentful space.

  • GraphQL query to fetch single entity
GraphQL query for single entity
  • GraphQL query to fetch collections of entities of same content type
GraphQL query for collection of entity

Now, all set up. Let's go to react native app and fetch this data from there.

Setup Contentful GraphQL APIs using Apollo Client

In this section, I’ll show you the actual implementation of contentful graphQL APIs.

  • Install required NPM packages

Apollo client and GraphQL

npm install @apollo/client graphql

Async storage as mobile local storage to persist cache

npm install @react-native-async-storage/async-storagenpm install apollo3-cache-persist

Now, I’ll start writing code in react native app.

Note: NX workspace by default uses TypeScript while Expo uses JavaScript.

Those who are working in NX workspace need to save file name as tsx extension while in expo save file as js extension.

  • Screen Loader

Create a loader component which we’ll use to show while fetching data from APIs.

  • Loader.tsx/.js
  • Post component

This component will show each data of a single post entity.

  • Post.tsx/.js
  • Posts screen

In this screen, we’ll call graphQL query and will get data for the collection of posts entity.

  • Posts.tsx/.js
import { gql, useQuery } from '@apollo/client';
  • GraphQL query for a single entity
  • GraphQL query for collections of posts entity
  • Call query using useQuery function, this function returns data, loading status
const { data, loading } = useQuery(QUERY_COLLECTION);

Finally, we fetched the data from the graphQL query.

Now, let's see the complete posts.tsx/.js file

  • Create ApolloClient

Now, go to App.tsx/.js file to create a client.

Here, we’ll create an ApolloClient using contentful credentials (Space Id and Content Delivery Api — Access token) that I asked you to save in previous steps.

Note: At this stage, please use your own space id and Content Delivery Api Access token

  • App.tsx/.js

Now, wrap all components of App in ApolloProvider

<ApolloProvider client={client}> ...</ApolloProvider>
  • Complete App.tsx/.js file

All setup is done now. React Native App is ready to run with contentful content. But, at the time of writing this post, the default configuration of metro bundler does not include file type “cjs”. If in the future it includes, then this step will not be required.

  • Extend metro default configuration

Here, we’ll extend the default configuration of metro bundler to support file type “cjs”.

  • For NX workspace

In the root of the workspace, metro.config.js will already be present.

Open metro.config.js and add source extension “cjs” in the resolver section.

All done for the NX workspace. Now, run the react-native app.

  • For Expo platform

In expo react native app, metro.config.js will not be there in the default app setup.

I have to create it manually at the root of the project.

  • Create a file metro.config.js

All done for expo react native app too.

Final screenshot of the ios app simulator

React Native App in IOS Simulator

Final screenshot of the android emulator

React Native App in Android emulator

Wow! we did it. Happy Learning!!!

As this is my first post, any kind of suggestions or feedback is most welcome.



Malkhan Singh

An Open Source Enthusiast. Learning different web and mobile technologies.