Feature VS Function

Ali Hassan Almalki
2 min readDec 18, 2021


Features are tools Where is function is a goal.

Example for Feature and function in a smartphone:

Let’s consider, here the speaker wants to say that he wants a smartphone that will have a fingerprint sensor. Now, ‘I want this feature’ means he wants a smartphone that should have a fingerprint sensor in it. And, I need this functionality means he wants a smartphone that has biometric security so that he can use his fingerprints for security purposes.

A Feature is the “tools” you use within a system to complete a set of tasks or actions.

A function is how those features work to provide you with the desired outcome.

What exactly is a feature?
The feature is the primary tool or physical property that we use to obtain certain services from it. That is why it is the thing that contributes to functionality. For instance, your headset contains a Bluetooth module, which is a feature of your headset.

What exactly is a function?
The service or goal that can be achieved by using a feature is referred to as the function. It is a general description of what something does. For instance, your headset is wireless, and it is a feature of your headset. Simply put, if your headset has a Bluetooth feature, it has a wireless connectivity function.


I hope this article clarifies the distinction between features and functions.

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