The Song Of Achilles

Mallika Menon
2 min readMay 27, 2024


By Madeline Miller

It is indeed a song about Achilles, the hero, the legend. The author has gone for a poetic strain in her prose, especially when expressing love between the two princes, Achilles and Patroclus and while describing nature in its raw form of those times. The story speaks of his valour, his courage and his pride. But most of all it tells about his youthful innocence and his love for Patroclus. Their love for each other is pure and untainted. An unadulterated and natural attraction which defies norms. Apparently their romantic relationship is strongly though not blatantly indicated in Illiad by Homer. If the Greek archaic books are delved into, there are references to their unique nature of friendship.

Achilles according to a prophesy was destined to be the greatest warrior ever lived. His death too was preordained. That didn’t deter him from going to war against Troy where. Princess Helen was kidnapped. The Trojan war is detailed extensively in the book. Since I had seen the movie Troy a couple of times, I kept visualising the characters in the images of the actors I saw. The movie is made to enthral the audience. But the book by Miller is more nuanced.

During the Trojan war of many years, we see Achilles’ leadership qualities emerging, surpassing that of Agamemnon, Odysseus etc which attracted. enemies and divided soldiers within the camps. His pride bordering on arrogance is at its peak when he locks horns with Agememnon. The stubbornness costs him a great deal of grief and loss. The story reaches its crescendo when the last stages of the war is described. It’s riveting!

The role of his mother, goddess Thetis in his life and her influence on him is very significant in this narration. Her hatred towards Patroclus is undisguised. Achilles is disturbed by that.

It’s a touching story with heart wrenching incidents. The love, the grief, sacrifice and sheer courage to face the inevitable hostility makes for an absorbing read.

Mallika Menon

