The ‘Idea’ Chair from IKEA.

David Mallon ⚙
1 min readJul 7, 2019


“An idea to paint, to sit or stand, to what subject — itself?”

I used to stand up and paint and recently decided to sit while painting. IKEA, and an idea — buy an inexpensive $26.00 chair and paint the chair. So I did. I painted the IKEA chair and then painted another chair. Which came first? The painting of the IKEA chair, or the idea of doing a painting of a chair?

You may find that as you go painting your life, the most important subject you will ever paint is yourself. Not your egoic self, the house, car, money, fame, or fortune. But, the self that can sit still and enjoy the moment, be the muse that you are and paint the painter.

David Mallon — Artist and Software Architect



David Mallon ⚙

“Architecting high-performance cloud computing solutions!”