Everyone is stuck on an infinite loop

Michail Almyros
1 min readNov 27, 2016


How do you feel this year? Is it different ? Is it Better? Have you finally finished all the responsibilities you had or they just keep coming slightly changed in a different format.

Have you found yourself saying after buying a new phone, a new car, house, clothes I won’t need to buy anything else? How about saying, that’s it from now and on I am going to start saving money, I am going to loose weight because summer is coming.

The whole human race is stuck on a loop every year the same events keep occurring and extraordinary well and cleverly timed. Black Friday, Christmas, Easter, Cyber Monday, Bank holidays, Local event markets etc. All of them just so that we can spend and consume more.

Just think about what’s really important spending time with your family, friends or loved ones on a fixed time every year or whenever you want and feel about it?

We are trying to connect but we just distand ourselves to live in our own artificially created realities, places that we feel safe from everyone’s opinion.

Just thing about it… Act don’t react…



Michail Almyros

Michail Almyros is a developer passionate about learning, exchanging ideas and meeting new people.