Setting up Unity for AR development for Android and IOS.

Mario lopez
2 min readJul 1, 2024


First make sure that you unity editor is up to date im using the 2022.3.35f1 version then make a new 3d Scene.

Now go to package manager and install AR foundation.

Now to make AR foundation work we need to install a plug-in package for the platform you using in this I'm using android so will need to install the Google ARCore XR Plug-in.

Note: If your using IOS install Apple ARKit XR Plug-in.

Now make sure the scene build is set the the platform your developing on.

Now the last thing you will need to do is enable the Plugins to do this go to project setting then go to XR Plug-in Management and check the plug-in that you install earlier for me it was the Google ARCore so I would check that box.

Okay now we set up AR development.

See you next time.

