DevOps: The Answer to Your Prayers

What is the problem that DevOps is trying to solve?

Jamie Morris
6 min readFeb 17, 2020
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

In an ideal world, deploying your code to production should be:

  1. Fast
  2. Stable
  3. Predictable

If you have these characteristics, then you are probably “doing DevOps” already, and can continue on with your day. If you lack any of the above, please read on.

What Is DevOps?

Ask 10 people what DevOps is and you will get 11 different answers. Here are some that I found whilst asking my peers:

“It’s when developers and infrastructure folks work together to deploy the code.”

“A DevOps Engineer is the person who deploys code and looks after it within the team.”

“DevOps is when developers deploy their own code instead of throwing it over the fence for someone else to deploy.”

I suppose these are all correct in a sense, but I heard lots of talk about the mechanics of DevOps and not a lot about the reasons. So I suppose it would help to define what problem we try to solve with DevOps. As it happens, there are a number of said problems:

Problem 1: Us And Them

They are them, and we are…



Jamie Morris

I used to be a full stack developer, but nowadays most people only want me for my <body>, so I try to be a UI expert. All opinons are my own, not my employer's.