What are the Akashic Records

and 5 reasons I love working with them

Malorine | A Medium Creates
7 min readJun 4, 2024
The Akashic Records, Malorine Mathurin

So what exactly are the Akashic Records? You have probably heard this term floating around the spiritual community for some time now, but let’s talk about what it really means and why I love working with them.

Hi, my name is Malorine and I’m a psychic medium and divination coach with over 30 years of experience specializing in amongst other things, the Akashic records. I will first define what the Akasha or the Akashic records are and then we will explore my experiences in the records as an experienced practitioner.

What is the Akasha and the Akashic Records?

The Akasha is a realm that holds an unlimited dimension of consciousness where each soul’s journey exists. In technical terms, the Akasha is a Sanskrit word that means ‘sky’, or a ‘stratum’ of sound.

The Akasha represents all of our experiences, past life and otherwise; our thoughts, feelings, and emotions as well as the impressions that we made on others and their impressions of us. Just a reminder, these are all neutral, there is no judgement attributed to past actions, they are stored as things that happened or were experienced.

The records are kept in a massively huge space. Many people use the analogy of a large library to give a breadth of understanding of how big and organized it actually is.

The New York Public Library, https://www.nypl.org/locations/schwarzman. Malorine Mathurin

So, why do I love working in the Akashic Records if I already am a practiced and experienced psychic medium? What are the benefits of tapping into the Astral realm? Who resides there? How does this help the client? Let’s explore 5 of the many reasons I love working in the Records and how they can help you too.

1. The Akashic Records are a grounding spiritual tool

Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

As a psychic medium and experienced practitioner, I have no issues diving into a mediumship or psychic technique to help my client get answers but the Akashic Records provides a grounded ‘landing space’ for me to obtain information. I also get the help of galactic and ancestral beings that are helping me to accentuate my own skills and abilities.

Think of it like working on your own as a psychic as riding a tricycle, but working with the Akashic Records as support is like having them help you to ride a 2-wheeled bicycle, which you can then do on your own. The Akashic Records provides needed support in the Astral realm, where there can be deluge of information and impressions coming at you from various directions.

As spiritual practitioners, the Akashic Records helps us to release any ego attachments to pleasing our clients or telling people what they want to hear and delivering the most impartial and neutral message possible to help others.

2. The Akashic Records helps to identify and release repeated patterns

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

My goal in the Akashic Records is to use it as a way to decipher patterns that are still playing out for you that are restricting, limiting or affecting you in some way in this lifetime, and then release them or lessen their impact on your life. If we’re in a session, what we’re doing is asking the Lords, Keepers and Ascended Masters of the Records for certain information regarding a particular theme or pattern that keeps plaguing you or that you are repeating.

When I say patterns, this can show up in a myriad of ways. This can be connecting with the same type of love partner, being attracted to a certain type of person, an attachment to a certain way of life or mindset or even being stuck in a certain environment. I always leave the question open, and allow the Records to show me how this pattern plays out in other lifetimes, their childhood, or in many cases, they may show me, if another person is involved, how this plays out for them, so that my client can understand why they may be adding to their stress or how they came to this point.

We can also look at patterns in regards to vows that are left over from previous lifetimes that we still kind of carry through. For instance, many of us carry a vow of poverty that is affecting the amount of people that we make or can keep in this life. The goal would be to identify the patterns and ask that they be released, if they are no longer needed in this life.

2b. Clearing and Releasing these patterns and contracts

I go into the records to help clear any unnecessary contracts or patterns that are not needed or are helping you in this life. So, say for example, if you have been paying for ‘subscriptions’ [say Hulu or Netflix] that you no longer own or use, my job as an Akashic records reader, would be to go in and suss out what is no longer necessary. I look for contracts, vows, thought patterns, old relationship patterns, etc. that have ‘expired’ and are no longer needed in your ‘account’. They’re causing challenges and hazards, so we don’t need those anymore, so why would we keep them? So it would be my job as an Akashic Records reader, as someone who clears the records, to go in there and remove those contracts.

3. The Akashic Records are not a crystal ball but they can be helpful in connecting to future lives

It’s really important for me to not use the Akashic Records as way to answer yes or no questions. I don’t use it as a crystal ball to kind of define the future, I use it more as a psychological tool and spiritual tool to help us shift our energy and raise our vibrations.

But, if someone does have questions about the future, there are ways around this. I never force it, but if a future or parallel life [a lifetime that is happening at the same time as this one that you are in right now], shows up with information about a path that you took or a decision that you made, that could be helpful in rectifying or eliminating some of your present options, we will definitely explore them.

I like to utilize the Akashic Records as a way to develop yourself, develop your practice, develop your mindset, and grow as a person. So this is the best way that I found to open the records and why it’s important.

4. The Akashic Records hold no judgement — they are neutral

Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

This is my favorite thing about the Akashic Records, the information held, the guidance offered and the patterns identified are all coming from a neutral, objective and non-judgmental space. There is no judgement made on these experiences and impressions — they just…happen.

The Akashic Records are an impartial, fact holding space used for ‘recording’ purposes, hence the name, the Akashic Records. I feel like it’s very comforting to work with these beings that are very impartial. It’s not emotional. It’s not personal. We all have free will, but the records point things out in a neutral and objective way. Speaking of neutral…

5. The Ascended Masters, Lords and Galactic beings are blunt and impartial

It could just be me, but personally, I love getting information straight, direct and without fluff and niceties. The Ascended Masters, Lords of the Records and other galactic beings have never been human and can give us a broader perspective of our questions, our patterns or issues.

And I just love that the guidance that comes from the Ascended Masters, Lords and Galactic beings are from a higher perspective that we may not be able to see fully, because we are human and are limited in our capabilities for a reason [we are here to have a 3d human experience, not to be a glowing body of light floating through the streets of Manhattan].

The beings in the records are also very blunt and impartial, which I also like — there is no emotion or judgement passed, which helps to deliver messages and information so that we can actually make the necessary changes or shifts in our lives.

The beings in the records are very direct,’this is what’s happening and this is what you need to do’. Very clear and to the point.

I hope this article helped with understanding what the Akashic Records are through the conventional meaning, and then through my own experiences in the records as an experienced reader, teacher and mentor.

Thank you for reading. Please feel free to subscribe to my posts.

If you are interested in an Akashic Records reading, feel free to check out my site here: https://calendly.com/malorinemathurin/akashicrecords-60-min

Have a beautiful month!




Malorine | A Medium Creates

✨I’m a medium who experiments with different mediums✨ Creative Alchemist | Artist | Shapeshifter | Mystic | Divine Feminine Healing