Don’t Underestimate Language Learning!

Anna Malteaser
3 min readNov 19, 2023

Hey language enthusiasts and curious minds!

Have you ever asked yourself: what does learning a new language do to my brain?

Did you know that being multilingual might just be the golden ticket to unlocking a version of yourself that’s not only more eloquent but also happier and healthier?

In a world where self-improvement paths are as diverse as the languages we encounter, it’s time to shine a spotlight on the often underestimated power of language learning.

It turns out, beyond the thrill of mastering foreign phrases, language learning is a potent elixir for our overall well-being, weaving benefits that extend far beyond linguistic proficiency.

1. Welcome to The Brain Gym

Learning a new language is like sending your brain to the gym. According to a study published in the journal Frontiers, bilingual individuals showed greater gray matter density in their brains, particularly in areas associated with language processing and cognitive control.

In simpler terms, tackling a new language gives your brain a workout, keeping it fit and firing on all cylinders.

But wait….. what is gray matter in the brain?

Grey matter is like the brain’s command center.

It’s made up of nerve cell bodies and is responsible for thinking, memory, and controlling muscles. Unlike white matter, which is like the brain’s wiring, grey matter lacks the white covering.

Studies on grey matter help us understand how different activities, like learning languages, can affect how our brain works.

2. The Mood-Boosting Magic

Ever wondered why polyglots seem to have an extra pep in their step? It turns out that learning a new language can be a natural mood booster.

Multiple studies regarding multilingualism found that:

those who engaged in foreign language learning reported higher levels of life satisfaction and a greater sense of purpose.

In other words: speaking more than one language makes you a happier person.

So, that struggle with irregular verbs could be your ticket to a happier you!

3. Social Connection and Empathy

We all know that connections with others are vital for our well-being. Learning a new language opens the door to a world of new relationships.

A study published by ResearchGate found that:

multilingual individuals are better at understanding and empathizing with others.

So, by expanding your linguistic repertoire, you’re not just learning words — you’re building bridges to people and creating a richer tapestry of connections.

4. Resilience in Every Word

Learning a language isn’t all smooth sailing, and that’s the beauty of it. The process teaches us resilience and perseverance.

Learning a language demands dedication, patience, and a willingness to embrace the unfamiliar.

It’s a continuous exercise in problem-solving and adaptability, as we navigate the intricacies of a new linguistic landscape. The very act of overcoming linguistic challenges fosters a sense of accomplishment and fortitude, nurturing qualities that extend far beyond the realm of language acquisition.

So, when faced with the complexities of mastering a new language, remember that each hurdle is an opportunity for growth, and the journey itself is a testament to the beauty of resilience.

5. The Joy of Discovery

Lastly, learning a language is a journey of self-discovery. As you navigate the intricacies of a new language, you inevitably reflect on your own communication style and cultural background.

It’s like holding a mirror up to your identity, gaining insights into how language shapes your thoughts and expressions.

So, there you have it — the compelling science behind why diving into a new language is a fantastic recipe for a happier, healthier you.

As for me, I am in the process of learning my fifth language and can’t wait to speak it fluently and feed my brain with more delicious grey matter!

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Anna Malteaser

Language enthusiast, WordPress and niche marketing, dropshipping, and online ventures. 🌐💡