Seedling Trays and Its Benefits

Farmers Castle
1 min readSep 1, 2022

Seedling trays or seed trays are made up of foldable plastic material. There are cells (holes) throughout the trays. These cells should be filled with sowing media like soil, cocopeat, or sand. Depending on the type of plants, 2–3 seeds are sown in each cell. Trays should be watered regularly as the seeds germinate. Young seedlings can be kept in these trays safely for 3–4 weeks under semi-shade till they are ready to be transplanted on the field or in bigger containers.

Seedling tray size is sufficient for planting Veg Seeds Germination, Water Melon, Musk Melon, Ridge Gourd, Tomato, Capsicum, Seasonal Seedling, etc.

Significant Benefits of Seedling Trays:

  1. Seeds and Seedlings are protected from harsh weather.
  2. Plants can be started any time of the year by sowing seeds on the seedling trays
  3. Seedling trays are easy to carry around and can be transported from one place to another without harming the plant
  4. Seedling Trays are reusable, after the transplantation of seedlings, a new round of seeds can be sown in the same trays & process can be continued.
  5. Seedling Trays keep precious plantings away from excess sun, rain, and pests.

