8 Notable Open-source Projects Built With Spring Boot That Make you

Malvin Lok
4 min readMar 7, 2023
Photo by Vishnu Mohanan on Unsplash

Spring Boot is a powerful and flexible framework for building Java applications. It provides a wide range of tools and libraries that make it easy to build distributed systems, micro-services, and more.

These 10 open-source projects are just a few examples of how Spring Boot can be used to build complex and powerful applications.

1. Spring Cloud

Spring Cloud is a collection of tools that developers can use to build distributed systems and micro-services. It provides features such as service discovery, distributed tracing, and load balancing, all of which can be used to build resilient and scalable applications. Spring Cloud builds on top of Spring Boot and provides a number of libraries and tools that can be used to implement micro-services.

2. Spring Security

Spring Security is a powerful and flexible security framework for Java applications. It provides features such as…



Malvin Lok

Backend Engineer, focus on Java. Haft-way full-stack developer, interested in React/Flutter. Enjoy life, have fun, and also, be a naturalist(hiker/bicycler).