Unleashing MiniCPM-V: The Future of MLLMs on Your Phone!

Malyaj Mishra
Data Science in your pocket
3 min readAug 3, 2024
Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Over the past few years, multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have taken the AI world by storm, revolutionizing how we understand and interact with technology. However, these powerful models often require robust cloud servers, limiting their use in mobile, offline, and privacy-sensitive environments. Enter MiniCPM-V — a groundbreaking series of MLLMs designed to bring the power of advanced AI right to your fingertips, literally.

In this first part of our three-part series, we’ll give you a high-level overview of MiniCPM-V and all its exciting features. Let’s get started! 🎉

1. Introduction to MiniCPM-V

MiniCPM-V is a series of efficient MLLMs designed to run on end-side devices like mobile phones and personal computers. The latest model in the series, MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5, achieves GPT-4V level performance, making it a powerful tool for various AI applications.

Did you know? 🤔 MiniCPM-V models can be deployed on mobile devices, providing high performance without the need for cloud servers. This makes them ideal for privacy-sensitive and offline scenarios.

2. Key Features

Imagine this: 📱 You have a powerful AI assistant right in your pocket, capable of handling complex tasks efficiently.

  • Leading Performance: Outperforms other leading models like GPT-4V-1106 and Gemini Pro on several benchmarks. (See above figure)
  • Strong OCR Capability: Excellent at reading text in images, converting tables to markdown, and more.
  • Trustworthy Behavior: Lower hallucination rates make it more reliable.
  • Multilingual Support: Supports over 30 languages, enhancing its global applicability.
  • Efficient Deployment: Optimized for mobile and end-side devices.

3. Model Architecture

Visualize this: 🔍 A complex image is broken down into manageable pieces, processed efficiently, and then used to generate insightful text.

Model Architecture

The MiniCPM-V models consist of three main components:

  1. Visual Encoder: Processes images and converts them into visual tokens.
  2. Compression Layer: Reduces the number of tokens for efficient processing.
  3. Large Language Model (LLM): Generates text based on the visual and text inputs.

4. Training Process (More details in 2nd part of this blog series)

The training process of MiniCPM-V involves three stages:

  1. Pre-training: Aligns visual modules with the LLM using large-scale image-text pairs.
  2. Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT): Enhances the model’s knowledge and interaction capabilities using high-quality datasets.
  3. Reinforcement Learning with AI Feedback (RLAIF-V): Reduces hallucination and improves response accuracy.

Interesting fact: 🧠 The model is trained to provide accurate and reliable information, making it a trustworthy AI assistant.

5. Deployment on End-Side Devices

Deploying MiniCPM-V on devices like smartphones involves several optimization techniques:

  • Quantization: Reduces memory usage by compressing model weights.
  • Memory Optimization: Efficiently manages memory during processing.
  • Compilation Optimization: Improves performance by compiling models on target devices.
  • Configuration Optimization: Dynamically adjusts settings for optimal performance.
  • NPU Acceleration: Leverages specialized hardware for faster processing.

Pro tip: ⚙️ These optimizations make it possible to run powerful AI models on devices with limited resources, opening up a wide range of applications.

Buckle Up for More!

This blog is just the beginning of our journey into the fascinating world of MiniCPM-V. In the second part of this series, we delve deeper into the detailed training and inference processes, complete with code examples. 📘 So don’t forget to check out the second and third blogs in this series from my profile. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop them below. Thanks for reading! 😎

For more details about the MiniCPM-V models, visit the MiniCPM-V GitHub repository.

