🌼 Fresh Air Perks: Hanging Baby Clothes Outside! 👶🌿

Mama Adoptation
5 min readSep 22, 2023


If you have a baby, you know how much laundry they can produce. You may also wonder how to keep their clothes clean, soft, and fresh without using harsh chemicals or wasting energy. One simple and natural solution is to hang dry your baby clothes outside. In this post, I will share some of the benefits of air drying baby clothes outside, as well as some tips and tricks to make it easier and more effective.

Why Hang Dry Baby Clothes Outside?

There are many reasons why you may want to hang dry your baby clothes outside, such as:

  • Clothing lasts longer: When you use a dryer, your clothes are exposed to high heat and friction, which can cause them to shrink, fade, or wear out faster. Hanging your clothes outside allows them to dry gently and naturally, preserving their shape, color, and quality.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals: Many fabric softeners and dryer sheets contain synthetic fragrances, dyes, and other ingredients that can irritate your baby’s skin or cause allergic reactions. Some of these chemicals can also build up on your clothes over time, making them less absorbent and breathable. Hanging your clothes outside eliminates the need for these products, as the sun and the breeze will naturally soften and freshen them up.
  • No static cling: Static electricity is caused by the rubbing of different fabrics in the dryer. It can make your clothes stick together or attract dust and lint. It can also be annoying or painful when you touch something metal or another person. Hanging your clothes outside prevents static buildup, as the air and moisture will balance out the electric charge.
  • Save energy and money: Using a dryer can consume a lot of electricity or gas, depending on the type of dryer you have. This can increase your utility bills and your carbon footprint. Hanging your clothes outside is free and eco-friendly, as you are using renewable energy from the sun and wind.
  • Kill germs: Sunlight is a natural disinfectant and bleaching agent, especially for organic stains like blood and tomato, and discolored cloth diapers. The ultraviolet rays from the sun can kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, and mold that may linger on your clothes after washing. This can help prevent infections and odors in your baby’s clothes.
  • Enjoy the outdoors: Hanging your clothes outside can also be a relaxing and enjoyable activity for you and your baby. You can get some fresh air, sunshine, and exercise while doing your laundry. You can also use this time to bond with your baby, play with them, or teach them about colors, shapes, and textures.

How to Hang Dry Baby Clothes Outside?

Hanging your clothes outside may seem simple, but there are some tips and tricks that can make it easier and more effective. Here are some things to consider:

  • Choose a sunny and windy day: The best weather conditions for hanging your clothes outside are when it is sunny and windy. The sun will provide heat and light to dry and sanitize your clothes, while the wind will provide air circulation and movement to prevent wrinkles and stiffness. Avoid hanging your clothes outside when it is rainy, humid, or dusty.
  • Use a sturdy clothesline or rack: You will need a place to hang your clothes outside that is strong enough to hold them without sagging or breaking. You can use a traditional clothesline that is stretched between two poles or trees, or a portable clothes rack that you can move around. Make sure that the clothesline or rack is clean and rust-free before using it.
  • Use good quality clothespins or hangers: You will also need something to attach your clothes to the clothesline or rack. You can use clothespins or hangers that are made of plastic or wood. Avoid metal ones that can rust or stain your clothes. Make sure that the clothespins or hangers are clean and secure before using them.
  • Shake out your clothes before hanging: Before you hang your clothes outside, you should shake them out to remove any excess water or wrinkles. This will help them dry faster and smoother. You can also snap or fluff them to restore their shape and texture.
  • Hang your clothes properly: There are different ways to hang different types of clothes outside. Here are some general guidelines:
  • Hang shirts by the shoulders or collar with hangers or pins.
  • Hang pants by the waistband or cuffs with hangers or pins.
  • Hang socks by the toes with pins.
  • Hang underwear by the waistband with pins.
  • Hang onesies by the shoulders with hangers or pins.
  • Hang dresses by the shoulders or waist with hangers or pins.
  • Hang jackets by the collar or shoulders with hangers or pins.
  • Hang sweaters by the shoulders or waist with hangers or pins.
  • Hang blankets by the corners or edges with pins.
  • You can also fold some clothes in half and hang them over the line or rack without pins, such as towels, sheets, and bibs.
  • Space out your clothes evenly: When you hang your clothes outside, you should space them out evenly to allow enough air flow and sunlight to reach them. Do not overcrowd or overlap your clothes, as this will slow down the drying process and cause wrinkles and mildew. Leave some gaps between each item of clothing.
  • Turn your clothes inside out: To protect your clothes from fading or bleaching by the sun, you can turn them inside out before hanging them outside. This will also prevent any stains or dirt from showing on the outside of your clothes. You can also cover your clothes with a light cloth or sheet to shield them from direct sunlight.
  • Check on your clothes regularly: Depending on the weather and the type of clothes, it may take anywhere from one to four hours for your clothes to dry outside. You should check on your clothes regularly to see if they are dry or not. You can touch them or smell them to test their dryness. Do not leave your clothes outside for too long, as they may get damp again by the evening dew or rain. Take them down as soon as they are dry and bring them inside.
  • Fold or iron your clothes after drying: After you take down your clothes from the line or rack, you should fold or iron them to prevent wrinkles and creases. You can also fluff them up again to restore their softness and volume. Store your clothes in a clean and dry place until you are ready to use them.


Hanging your baby clothes outside is a simple and natural way to keep them clean, soft, and fresh. It can also save you energy and money, avoid harsh chemicals and static cling, kill germs, and enjoy the outdoors. By following some tips and tricks, you can make hanging your clothes outside easier and more effective. Try it out and see the difference for yourself!

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🌼 Fresh Air Perks: Hanging Baby Clothes Outside! 👶🌿



Mama Adoptation

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