Grandmother’s Secret: A Dark Tale from the Quiet Village”

3 min read4 days ago


In a small, picturesque village nestled deep within an ancient forest, there lived an old woman named Agatha. Known for her herbal remedies and warm smile, she was a beloved figure in the community. Her quaint cottage, surrounded by blooming flowers and humming with the sounds of nature, was a place where neighbors often visited for a cup of tea or a dose of wisdom. But hidden beneath her gentle exterior was a darkness that none could have imagined.

The Arrival

One chilly autumn evening, Agatha’s daughter, Evelyn, and her husband, Robert, arrived at the cottage with their two young children, Timmy and Susie. They had urgent business in the nearby town and asked Agatha to watch over the children for a few days. Agatha welcomed them with open arms, promising to take good care of her beloved grandchildren.

The Mischief Begins

At first, Timmy and Susie were enchanted by their grandmother’s cottage, with its nooks and crannies filled with curiosities. But soon, their playful spirits turned mischievous. They began to explore every corner, causing chaos wherever they went. They knocked over Agatha’s carefully arranged herbs, spilled ink on her treasured books, and broke her favorite porcelain teapot.

Agatha’s Patience Wears Thin

Agatha’s patience, which had always been her strong suit, began to wear thin. She scolded the children, hoping they would understand the need to behave. But Timmy and Susie, full of youthful defiance, only laughed and continued their antics. They saw their grandmother’s warnings as mere bluster, not realizing the danger they were provoking.

A Sinister Plan Forms

As the days wore on, Agatha’s frustration grew into a simmering rage. She began to fantasize about a way to silence the children’s incessant noise and restore the peace of her home. The idea that formed in her mind was unthinkable, a product of her growing madness. She decided that she could no longer tolerate the children’s presence.

The Dark Deed

One night, Agatha prepared a special meal for Timmy and Susie. She told them it was a magical stew that would make them sleep peacefully. The children, oblivious to their grandmother’s intentions, eagerly ate the hearty stew. Soon after, they fell into a deep, unnatural sleep.

With a cold heart and steady hands, Agatha carried out her gruesome plan. She ended the children’s lives swiftly, their small bodies lying still and silent. But her madness did not stop there. Consumed by a dark hunger, she cooked their remains, transforming her once-cozy kitchen into a macabre scene.

The Aftermath

When Evelyn and Robert returned, they found Agatha alone, her eyes hollow and distant. She told them that the children had wandered into the forest and never returned. A frantic search ensued, but Timmy and Susie were never found. The villagers whispered about the dangers of the forest, but no one suspected the true horror that had occurred.

Agatha continued to live in her cottage, her once-beloved home now a place of shadows and secrets. The villagers noticed a change in her, a coldness that replaced her former warmth. They attributed it to grief, never imagining the dark truth that lay behind her haunted eyes.


Years passed, and the tale of Timmy and Susie’s disappearance became a grim legend in the village. Agatha’s cottage, once a symbol of comfort, stood as a silent reminder of the children lost to the forest. But the real story, the one hidden behind Agatha’s deceptive smile, remained a secret known only to the twisted remnants of her mind.

And so, the quiet village carried on, oblivious to the monstrous deeds that had unfolded within the walls of the old woman’s cottage.

