Advantages Of Using Animations In PowerPoint Presentations

Stacey Doyle
2 min readSep 4, 2015

Animated PowerPoint presentations are the best and the cheapest way to highlight the capabilities of your products and services to your clients. Why use dedicated and costly programs to create such presentations when you do it with PowerPoint? Here are three advantages of using animations in PowerPoint presentations.


Microsoft Office has been around for decades and chances are likely that you have a good grasp over PowerPoint and have created static presentations before. You can easily animate the characters using specific commands.

Get Attention

Animations allow you to grasp the attention of potential clients easily and convert them into loyal customers. You can also add voiceovers and text to the different slides along with effects like fade in and fade out.

Simplify with Templates

You can purchase ready to use templates at cheap prices from online vendors if you do not have the knack to design. Apart from being available in different niches, you can easily change the text, the color combination, and individual elements of an image in a few seconds.

A variety of innovative add-ins make it easier than ever to create and edit PowerPoint presentations. In just a short time, you can develop a powerful tool to brand your business and market your products and services.



Stacey Doyle

Published author, Owner of JackElle Publishing and Stacey Doyle Shenanigans