Flower Essences and how they work

Mamasutra Motherhood
3 min readApr 29, 2023


Flower essences are the vibrational signature of flowers which carries their special healing properties on an etheric level. They can work in many ways, it depends on the flower used for the essence, however the most common way they heal is through the emotional realm.

As my yoga teacher used to tell me, “disease begins in the aura,” flower essences target specific aspects of our healing journey and then offer gentle support with surprisingly profound results.

They are safe enough for use with babies, pregnant mamas and animals and use very little plant matter, making them a valuable ally in our healing toolkit. Making flower essences is quite easy too and can be done on a sunny day at home.

I have been working with and making my own flower essences for close to 10 years now. Ever since I connected with plants, I am consistently drawn by the colourful language of flowers blooming all around me, offering their generous gifts to the world.

However, when Yarrow began calling me in the garden, I ignored the call, I have to admit. There is always so much to do as a mama and excuses to *not* do something come to the surface fairly easily.

Little did I know, it was a metaphor for something incredibly deep.

According to Flower Essence Services, “the alchemical blending of strength and sensitivity was recognized by ancient cultures, revering Yarrow as a protective herb, “The Knight’s Milfoil.” Yarrow, Achillea millefolium, was named for Achilles, who had to protect his one vulnerable spot. Yarrow is indeed a “vulnerary” herb, used for wounds, to staunch bleeding. Thus it makes sense that we use the Yarrow flower essence for ways in which we feel “vulnerable” to the energies of others or our environment, which can “bleed through” into our own reality. Yarrow allows us to remain sensitive and open, yet maintain the integrity of our healthy boundaries, our “psychic skin.”

I named my eldest son Yarrow and during his blessingway ceremony, I was gifted a white selenite egg to pass onto my baby when he was old enough to receive it. It immediately landed in me that the medicine of Yarrow (both the plant and the person) was to be about sealing the aura. When my son was a bit older, I began improvising a personal meditation for him at bedtime, which involved the slow and hypnotic cocooning of the body within a white light orb before slipping into sleep.

It was with this intention that I set out to make this essence. However, as the plants like to work on the other levels of reality, the profound alignment of this flower essence began to reveal itself.

After I made this essence, I read that one of the key aspects of Yarrow flower essence was to protect the body from radiation. This came at a time when we had decided as a family to take a few days away from devices, to reset our nervous systems to something a little bit more natural. Another astonishing thing was that at the time I read this, my husband had been researching the devastation of the Fukushima nuclear meltdown from 12 years ago and how the radiation was now widespread in the world. He was astounded that this information was being clearly suppressed and I was astounded that Yarrow was a key flower essence for protection from nuclear radiation!

Click here to go to the shop and view The Flower Essence Collection


I love working with flower essences because the plants never stop giving their gifts and somehow, they are so attuned to our needs. It’s a real miracle!

written by

Hadhee Jah

Visit the MAMASUTRA online shop to order 100 times washed ghee, signature facial oil infused with real 22 carat gold and of course, the flower essence collection.



Mamasutra Motherhood

Ayurvedic motherhood, postpartum support, handcrafted herbal products and mamahood boxes. Inspired by the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. shop www.mamasutra.com.au