Async/await in Swift | What is it?!

2 min readJul 23, 2022


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Great that we met again after around 7 minutes! Let’s start with async/await. In this article, I am explaining to you what is async/await, how and why do we use it, and also at the end I will share with you some read-more articles from well experienced people.

We got the opportunity to use async/await right after WWDC21. Just a quick information for those who does not know what is WWDC. It is happening once a year and we hear about updates for Swift, Xcode and etc. So this is kind of update for us (I felt myself as an app now 😄).

With this, we got rid of unnecessary closure usage. We have an asynchronous structure that is more readable and executes operations properly.

If you follow me, you know that I love to keep everything as simple as it is possible and explain it to make clear for everyone:

async: Indicates that a method or function is asynchronous. Using this allows you to suspend execution until an async method returns a result.

await: Indicates that your code can pause execution while waiting for an asynchronously declared method or function to return.

I hear you, I hear that you are asking some code examples. Here we go:

Since WWDC21, instead of this:

We use this:

  • Read more:

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I speak 6 human and 5 programming languages. 🥳  iOS Developer. To support me: ☕️