Mamta Gerg
2 min readJun 16, 2015


Wireless Remote Control Power Switch

The new generation wireless remote control power switches are taking over the primitive ones to provide that additional joy and comfort in your life

If you’re sick of flipping switches all over your house just to turn the lights on or you find yourself so lazy that one of your irritations is that the Home Theatre in the bedroom requires that you actually get up out of bed to turn it on. In that case, getting a set of remote control power switches may be the perfect solution

Remote control power switch gives you the comfort of switching on and off your appliances without taking the pain of walking to the switch. For example, like you have a remote control for your air conditioner, you can easily switch it on, off or change the temperature remotely. This often gives you the joy of using a much technologically advanced system than the primitive one.

However, wireless remote control power switch have been argued over, especially for the credibility of their safety. There have been questions on the need of having a wireless remote control power switch. But with the advancement in the technology, these switches are becoming a household name and comfort. The new switches which are coming up have been tried and tested for performance in the most unearthly conditions also and have been proved feasible. The new age switches are very safe, reliable and also perform fairly well. Many of the brands are even offering a warrantee in order to prove their point.

The wireless remote control power switches are technically easy-to-built systems, a basic remote control encoder is good enough to build its circuit. This simplicity in its circuit also makes it easily repairable, which is another plus point as even if it fails at some point, it won’t dig a hole in your pocket to get repaired. Most of these remote control switches are easy to maintain as well. The remotes come with a simple demand of a basic battery supply of a 12V or others.

Another great thing getting added to the list of wireless power control switch is the smart remote control, which comes as an item like remote control in your key chain, watch, etc. These gadgets are the most advanced version of wireless remote control power switch, in which an embedded software and circuit is symbiotically used to provide you the comfort of switching your TV, lights, ACs, etc. on and off from the place you want to. This has even taken a further leap, with the mobile phones acting as remotes when needed.

