joker man
3 min readMar 15, 2019


There are plenty of articles there on why recycling is important. The population of the world is growing day by day and not shrinking, and currently everyone adds significant waste to the planet over his or her lifetime. Our survival and well being depends directly or indirectly on the natural environment . In today’s world recycling is important if we want to preserve this planet for posterity.

  • Process of recycling

Recycling involves three steps:

  • The first step is collection of materials and separating them based on the category.
  • The second stage is processing. After the materials have been segregated and collected, these materials are then processed to get the raw materials. These processed materials are then used for manufacturing of certain products.
  • The final stage is purchasing of the materials. As consumers demand more natural and environmentally sound products , manufacturers will produce high quality recycled products to meet the growing demand.

Importance of recycling

  • Environmental benefit

It is indeed good for us if we make new product from the old one which are perhaps of no use to us. Recycling begins right at home say if you are not throwing your old belongings and are using it for something new then you are actually recycling .

  • It is imperative that we should recycle because in today’s world we have to make our environment clean, conserve energy and reduce garbage from the landfill sites.
  • Recycling helps in reducing air and water pollution levels.
  • Energy saving is important in order to reduce the future effect of global warming.
  • Plastics thrown in the ocean are harmful for sea animals. Recycling helps to reduce the chemicals and green house gasses, saves lives of marine animals if recyclable material is properly disposed.
  • And moreover, we can reduce the use of fossil fuel energy. Most importantly recycling saves trees.
  • Waste management

Things or materials which can be recycled includes kinds of glass, paper, and cardboard, metal, plastic, tires, textiles, and electronics. The composting of waste such as food or any other thing is also considered as recycling. These types of waste can be recycled properly if they are separated and disposed off. Every household should have separate bins for different types of waste . If the environment is not clean chances of spread of disease increase. Whenever possible waste should be recycled to create new materials.

  • Economic benefit

Recycling helps to build a strong economy by lowering waste management cost. Recycling reduces solid waste production and disposal and helps to protect biodiversity. When we participate in recyclying , the entire world benefits. Recycling can save a life and change the world. When you think of recycling you should really think about the whole idea; reduce, reuse and recycle. We’ve been careless up to this point with the way we’ve treated the Earth and it’s time to change; not just the way we do things but the way we think.



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